Equine & Production Animal Health Centre gains Accreditation

It gives us great pleasure and excitement to announce that the Equine and Production Animal Health Centre has joined our counterparts in the Companion Animal Health Centre in successfully gaining Accreditation as a Hospital with the Veterinary Surgeons Board of South Australia. This enables us to be the only all domestic species Veterinary Hospital in South Australia. This, in turn, can lead to multiple opportunities for research, recruitment and attraction of complex cases.
This is a massive achievement for all the staff involved in the whole life cycle of the Equine Health and Performance Centre and the Production Animal Centre. Building on the foundation of the original hospital floorplans, business cases and equipment purchases, extensive recruitment and endless consultation, we have achieved the title of the first Equine and Large Animal Hospital in South Australia*.
*In South Australia, the titles of 'veterinary hospital' and 'animal hospital' are protected by the Veterinary Practice Act 2003. It is illegal for a person to lead others to believe that a facility is a veterinary hospital or animal hospital if it is not accredited by the VSBSA.
I’d like to take this opportunity to recognise the many people, both past and present, who have helped achieve this goal. We can now take advantage of the opportunities for growth and leap into our next phase of rebuilding after the impacts of Covid19.
Once again, thank you to everyone whom has played a role in our Veterinary Hospitals achieving the high distinction of accreditation. We can all be very proud.