A message from the Executive Dean

As our Health, Safety & Wellbeing Team continue to deliver the Enforceable Undertaking presentations, I wanted to take this opportunity to highlight the importance of being responsible for our own health and safety and supporting a safe working environment.
We each have a responsibility to take action when we see the potential for a dangerous or unsafe situation in our workplaces. We can meet this responsibility by:
- Stopping what we’re doing
- Determining what action needs to be taken to make the situation safe; for example, can we safely eliminate the risk or the hazard or do we need further advice?
- Not continuing our activity until it is safe to do so
- Reporting the issue using the UniSafe app
Remember that anytime you see something that you think is not safe, please report it. It’s not about blame; the aim is to make it as easy as possible for us to identify and fix unsafe environments before they become a significant risk to ourselves and our colleagues.
I encourage you to take a few minutes now to download the UniSafe app to your device by following this link.
For further Health, Safety and Wellbeing advice or support please reach out to the HSW Advisory Team.