A message from the Executive Dean

Dear colleagues,
We held a successful International Women’s Day event on Wednesday 8 March, with 270 staff attending events at our North Terrace, Roseworthy, and Waite campuses. Thank you to the organising committee who worked to showcase the accomplishments of women in the Faculty of SET on a day dedicated to #CrackingtheCode and acknowledging the success of women in STEM.
We also successfully launched our Women in STEM Careers Program last week, which provides professional development opportunities for young women in STEM degrees, including workshops in leadership, career development, entrepreneurship, and personal development. There are 100 new participants in the 2023 cohort, and we are excited to support their personal and professional development throughout the duration of the program.
A reminder that next Tuesday 21 March our first Faculty-wide Forum for the year will be taking place at our Roseworthy campus. Calendar invitations have been sent and time, location, and agenda information is available here. A recording of the forum will be distributed via the next issue of SET News on Friday 31 March.