A message from the Deputy Dean (International) March 2023

Dear colleagues,
Today I return to campus from a productive and energising 12-day visit to India which saw our Faculty and University deepen and expand our relationships with partner Universities, agents, industry collaborators, alumni and government. New MoU’s were signed with nine strategic University partners. Eight partners are located in India (see below) and one in Bangladesh (i.e. North South University), where the Vice-Chancellor of North South University travelled to Delhi for the signing. I excitedly invite you all to familiarise yourselves with the research strengths and industry linkages of our new partners and explore how you and your teams can collaborate with these leading Indian institutions to build the brand and reputation of the University in India.

A Senior Executive Mission and a subsequent SET Mission to India took place 20 to 31 March. The Missions visited institutions according to the UoA 2023-2026 India Market Development Plan as well as institutions that were specific to SET activities, as per:
Chennai and surrounds: IIT Madras*, Anna University*, Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT)* in Chennai and Vellore, SRM Institute of Science and Technology*
Bengaluru: Xavier Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship (XIME)*, Indian Institute of Science (IISc)*
Delhi and surrounds: O.P. Jindal Global University*, Amity University Noida, IIT Roorkee, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology
Mumbai: Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies (NMIMS)*
(* MoU)
The Missions also took the opportunity to visit the Australian High Commission in Delhi and the Australian Consulate General in Chennai; connect with industry partners, and alumni who are resident in Mumbai and Chennai; and recruitment agents in Delhi.
The delegation was timed on the back of the recent visit to India by the Australian Prime Minister. There was a very healthy level of interest and enthusiasm of our Indian partners to discuss collaboration in articulation pathways, research, and mobility for students and staff. Key research themes discussed during the partner visits and that were in alignment with our capabilities and areas of priorities for both countries included energy transition and sustainability, space and national security, agricultural technology, AI, health and infrastructure. Such opportunities and more will be explored and translated to the faculty and schools in due course as the findings of the trip are unpacked.
Further information about activities and opportunities in India can be found in the following documents from Global Engagement:
Please see below for a photo gallery from the visits.
Image captions:
Image 1: Senior Executive Mission to India (left to right): Philippa Rasmussen (DDI for HMS); Scott Smith (DDI for SET); Peter Høj AC (VC and President); Jessica Gallagher (DVCEE); Noel Lindsay (Dean of Business, Adelaide Business School; Pro Vice Chancellor Entrepreneurship); Daniel Tackage (Global Partnerships Manager, Division of External Engagement) (Nischint Vora, Regional Manager, International Recruitment who is absent from the photo was also a member of the Mission).
Image 2: SET Mission to India (left to right): David Lewis (School of Chemical Engineering); Ashleigh Mercury (SET Faculty International Advisor: Global Partnerships); Scott Smith (DDI for SET); Daniel Tackage (Global Partnerships Manager, Division of External Engagement).
Image 3: Delivering an information session to VIT Chennai students about studying in Adelaide and the Australian Rover Challenge.
Image 4: Meeting with VIT Chennai students after an information session about UoA.
Image 5: Recruitment Agents function in Delhi.
Australia-India Research Funding Opportunities: OPEN
Australian Department of Industry, Science and Resources, AU
International Space Investment India Projects
Internal deadline 30 July 2023. Further Information.
Australia-India Research Funding Opportunities: TO BE AWARE OF
Australia India Research Students Fellowship program
2023 round now closed. Further information.
Australia-India Strategic Research Fund (STEM focused)
2023 round now closed. Further information.
Australia-India Cyber and Critical Technology Partnership Grant
2023 round yet to open. Further information.
The CyberTech Women Entrepreneur program
2023 round yet to open. Further information.
SET International Team
The SET International team is here to help advance the internationalisation activities of staff, schools, the SET Faculty and the University. Key team members include our four Associate Deans of International responsible for world regions, namely:
- Europe and UK (Damien Fordham, damien.fordham@adelaide.edu.au),
- South Asia, Africa and Middle East (Amit Srivastava, amit.srivastava@adelaide.edu.au),
- East Asia (Zonghan Xie, zonghan.xie@adelaide.edu.au),
- South East Asia (Nam Tran, namnghiep.tran@adelaide.edu.au).
I (scott.smith@adelaide.edu.au) look after the Americas and Oceania, while Ashleigh Mercury (ashleigh.mercury@adelaide.edu.au) is our Faculty Global Partnerships Coordinator and she is supporting partnerships particularly related to education pathways. Each SET School also has an Associate Head of International.
Thank you for your continued support of the international portfolio.
International update from Faculty-wide Forum
To finish, please see below for an international update in poetic form, as was provided by Anne-Lise Chaber (Associate Head International for the School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences) at the recent Faculty-wide Forum on Tuesday 21 March, where she presented as proxy for DD(I) Scott Smith.
Scott is on a journey, far from here,
So I'm his proxy, now please lend an ear,
I bring news to you in a way that's fun,
With a little rhyme, to get the job done.
From March to November, we'll travel afar,
Senior Executives, our sights set on each star.
India, Indonesia, Vietnam too,
China, the US, and the UK to view.
But that's not all, we have more to share,
Student Mobility, beyond compare.
63 inbound students, eager to gain,
26 outbound students, ready to reign
And let's not forget the thirty-eight,
Who travelled far, to learn and create.
Three New Colombo Plans, funded with care,
A chance for our students to venture and dare.
And fourteen HDRs, with research in flight,
Across the globe, they seek to shed light.
All in all, quite an international show,
Our students' horizons, ever-expanding and aglow.
We've signed agreements, 11 and counting,
Learning and teaching, no borders confounding.
India, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, and more,
Our global reach expands, like never before.
In this global race, universities must strive,
To internationalize and stay alive.
Yet they must also be mindful and wise,
To contain foreign influences and avoid surprise.
So, if you're interested, don't be shy,
Contact us, we're always nigh.
SET International, the door is open wide,
Join us on our global ride, don't let it slide.