
Geometry lies at the core of modern mathematics with deep and wide implications in all other mathematical disciplines.

In the last decade there has been an extraordinary confluence of ideas in mathematics and theoretical physics brought about by pioneering discoveries in geometry and analysis. Geometry pervades modern technology (medical imaging and information security being two well known examples).

At one time a University Research Centre and the research arm of the Discipline of Pure Mathematics in the School of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, the Institute for Geometry and its Applications (IGA) was founded on the 7th of November 1996, in recognition of the strong group of researchers in geometry and its applications at Adelaide, with its inaugural director being Professor Michael Eastwood (Adelaide). The IGA organises symposia, workshops, instructional schools and regular seminars. The IGA also provides collaborative opportunities to promote research in geometry.

The IGA staff are currently researching in a wide range of subjects in the area of geometry including differential, finite, complex, non-commutative and algebraic geometry together with geometric topics in mathematical physics including quantum theory, topological phases of matter, string theory; geometric analysis; index theory; K-theory; moduli spaces; category theory; information security and representation theory. The IGA has recently been recognized as being one of the University's Research Expertise and Strengths in the fundamental disciplines.

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Pure Mathematics at Adelaide receives perfect score in ERA rankings

In the 2018 Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) nationwide rankings, Pure Mathematics at Adelaide received the outstanding score of 5 (out of 5), rating it well above world standard as well as (joint) top ranking in the nation.



2015 Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) nationwide rankings

In the 2015 Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) nationwide rankings, Pure Mathematics at Adelaide received the outstanding score of 5 (out of 5), rating it well above world standard as well as (joint) top ranking in the nation.
