Course Coordination
The Course Coordinator plays a pivotal role in delivering quality education and creating a positive student experience.
Getting started
Get to know:
- Your School Business Manager and other professional support staff
- Your Head of School
- Your School’s Associate Head Learning and Teaching
- The SET Learning and Teaching team
- Learning and Teaching Leadership roles
- Titleholders and Guest Lecturers (for your course)
- The SET Division of Academic and Student Engagement (DASE) Service Partner and key members from:
- Academic Integrity
- Exams and Results
- Student Success Team
- Timetable and Planning
There are also a range of other Staff Services.
Familiarise yourself with the:
Prioritise the following:
- Introduction to University Teaching (5 hr self-paced)
- My Uni (Canvas) Foundations for Teaching Staff (4 x 1hr workshop on Teams):
- Mental Health First Aid Training (2 days face-to-face)
Access other Professional Learning opportunities and build your network.
- The Student Admin Operations (SAO) team will advise on exam dates, timetabling and course system deadlines.
- The Education Quality (EQ) team will advise on Program and Course Review dates.
Other important calendar events include:
Note: Course Planner displays starting times for classes at the hour or half hour. However, formal teaching and recording should commence 10 minutes after that time (e.g. 11:10am).
Safety Health & Wellbeing
Familiarise yourself with:
- Safety, Health and Wellbeing services
- The location of duress alarms in lecture theatres and public-facing spaces you use
- Campus Security services and contacts
- Behavioural Incident Reporting
- Audio Visual - Common Teaching Space Technology
- Book a Space (Outlook and Web Room Booking)
- Recording and Media Studios
Diving deeper into your role
My Adelaide is the student admin system. Use it to access class lists with student photos.
Request support sessions for My-Uni learning analytics functionality and course reporting features.
Be aware that sensitive data should not be input into AI tech (e.g. ChatGPT).
Academic Integrity
Academic Integrity is centrally managed and Course Coordinators are responsible for reporting suspected misconduct.
Check out:
At the end of teaching periods, Course Coordinators provide their marks to the Exams and Results team for the Assessment Review Committee (use Checklist). The Committee certifies results and recommends their release to students.
After certification, a Grade Change Form can be submitted for errors or change of circumstance.
See your Associate Head of Learning and Teaching for the school-based approach. See Exams and Results team or information and resources for further detail on examination and grading.
Managing Staff
The Course Coordinator is responsible for managing a course casual budget, approving timesheets in a timely manner and tracking a budget. The university uses CAPS (Casual Automated Payment System) to support this process.
See Recruitment for details on hiring casual staff.
See your School Business Manager for assistance.
Supporting your students
Take time to explore the student services that support our students:
General Enquiries
- Ask ADEL for general student enquiries (e.g. ID cards)
Assessment and Extensions
This ACP Policy sets out the University of Adelaide's approach to assessment and the MACA Policy describes the modified arrangements and provided to students in extenuating circumstances.
Both policies include delegations and Course Coordinator responsibilities. See also the application forms overview.
Academic and International Student Support
- Student Academic Skills & Support for offerings that strengthen academic success
- International Student Support
Course and Program Support
- SET Student Support for online resources
- SET Student Service Hub ‘Student Success Team’ for in-person, tailored advice and support to students
- Disability Support for confidential advice and support to students with a disability or ongoing health condition (e.g. negotiating ‘Reasonable Adjustments’)
Disability Support Information Session. Tiana Blazevic and Gus Bhaskarraj are Disability Support Project Officers at the University of Adelaide and are currently working on a range of neurodiversity support projects for students. In this information session, they provide information on what Disability Support provides for students, what students are eligible for this support, and how Disability Support can work together with academic staff in supporting students. Information was also provided on the University’s Neurodiversity Project, how this aims to support neurodiverse students throughout their studies and tips for working with and teaching neurodiverse students.
The Student Charter and Student Code of Conduct sets out expectations for students.
A summary of student-related policies is also available.
- Student Life Counselling Support for professional counselling and triage services
- for student union, clubs and societies
- The Education Welfare Officers in YouX Student Care also provides independent advocacy, advice to students.
Other student interface information
- Academic Progress and at-risk students
- Student Complaints
- Examinations & Results FAQs
- Adelaide University key messaging and fast facts
For content suggestions or advice, email or see the Learning and Teaching Team.
Report broken links to Web Operations via the online portal.