A message from the Deputy Dean (Learning & Teaching)

I’d like to take the opportunity of this newsletter to introduce the SET Student Success team and to think about the partnerships between academic and professional staff that are so important to the educational experience of our students.
The Student Success team, aka Ask SET, are a spoke of the Division of Academic and Student Services, embedded within the Faculty. Team members are physically located in the support hub on North Terrace however also support students at Roseworthy and Waite. SET Student Success provide a drop-in, face-to-face service for students as well as support over telephone and email. Being embedded in the Faculty means that the team are able to build a base of knowledge, experience and relationships relevant to our students and curriculum. They are able to assist students navigate university systems, such as enrolment, and are an important point for referral to supports such as academic course advisors, the careers and councilling services.
An aspect of the Student Success team model that works especially well, is their ability to maintain continuity of contact with students across multiple courses and down the years of their program of study. A recent example that comes to mind concerns a student that suffered an acute medical condition. Course coordinators played an important role, advising the student and providing modified learning and assessment arrangements, and the Student Success team contributed a coordinating role, working with academics to ensure a coherent and timely response, and giving the student, at a time of crisis, a single point of contact.
I’ve seen another great example of the academic-professional partnership in recent weeks through the academic progress meetings. The Student Success team have done all the administrative and logistic groundwork, contacting students, scheduling meetings, preparing documentation, liasing with welfare advisors and, many, many other things. They play an important role alongside academic staff in the meetings too, providing expert advice on Univeristy systems and processes, and advising students on matters such as the support services available.
Irrespective of formal organisation structure, the SET Student Support team are an important part of our Faculty‘s enterprise, and are there to support our students and staff.