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Citizen Science in the Lower Lakes
Drought culminating in 2009 in the Murray–Darling Basin put severe downstream pressure on Lakes Alexandrina and Albert (“Lower Lakes”) in South Australia.
ARC Discovery Grant award
In November 2016, the Acid Sulfate Soils Centre was awarded a prestigious Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Grant (lead investigator Prof. Rob Fitzpatrick) for a project titled “Extreme soil acidification and metal release risks from increasing drought due to climate change”.
Publication of the Geoderma Special Issue of papers presented at the 8th International Acid Sulfate Soils Conference (Maryland, U.S.A.)
A Special Issue of Acid Sulfate Soil papers has been published in Geoderma and includes 16 contributions organised within the following four themes that were used at the 8th International Acid Sulfate Soils Conference held at the University of Maryland, College Park, USA from 17–23 July 2016:
NRM board, University of Adelaide experts help Barry and Joanne Pfeiffer tackle acid sulfate soils along the River Murray

An excellent news article out about one of our current research projects helping primary producers and the State Government manage acid sulfate soils in the Lower Murray.