Publication of the Geoderma Special Issue of papers presented at the 8th International Acid Sulfate Soils Conference (Maryland, U.S.A.)

A Special Issue of Acid Sulfate Soil papers has been published in Geoderma and includes 16 contributions organised within the following four themes that were used at the 8th International Acid Sulfate Soils Conference held at the University of Maryland, College Park, USA from 17–23 July 2016:

  • Introduction and Background to Acid Sulfate Soils
  • Sulfidization
  • Sulfuricization (included the special symposium dedicated to the late Professor Udo Schwertmann)
  • Assessment and Remediation

The Managing Guest Editor, Martin Rabenhorst and Guest Editors Lee Daniels and Rob Fitzpatrick prepared a Preface, which provides a summary of the conference and highlights of the 16 papers.

The following series of 6 papers on Acid Sulfate Soils authored and/or co-authored by staff from the Acid Sulfate Soils Centre are included in the Geoderma Special Issue:

  1. Rabenhorst, Martin, Daniels L., and Fitzpatrick Robert (2017) Preface: 8th International Acid Sulfate Soil Conference. Geoderma.  308, 187-190.
  2. Fanning, Delvin, Rabenhorst, Martin and Fitzpatrick Robert (2017) Historical developments in the understanding of acid sulfate soils. Geoderma.  308, 191-206.
  3. Fitzpatrick, RW, Shand P and Mosley LM (2017). Acid sulfate soil evolution models and pedogenic pathways during drought and reflooding cycles in irrigated areas and adjacent natural wetlands.  Geoderma. 308, 270-290.
  4. Fitzpatrick, RW, Mosley LM, Raven MD and Shand P (2017) Schwertmannite formation and properties in acidic drain environments following exposure and oxidation of acid sulfate soils in irrigation areas during extreme drought. Geoderma. 308, 235-251.
  5. Mosley, LM, Biswas T, Cook F., Marschner P, Palmer D, Shand P, Yuan C, and Fitzpatrick RW (2017) Prolonged recovery of acid sulfate soils with sulfuric materials following severe drought: causes and implications. Geoderma. 308, 312-320.
  6. Kölbl, A, Marschner P., Fitzpatrick, RW, Mosley LM, and Kögel-Knabner, I. (2017). Linking organic matter composition in acid sulfate soils to acidification risk and recovery.  Geoderma. 308, 350-362
Tagged in research, conference