9th International Acid Sulfate Soils Conference
The 9th International Acid Sulfate Soils Conference (9th IASSC) is the premier interdisciplinary forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in the fields of acid sulfate soil research, policy and management practices.
The conference, to be held on 26 to 30 March 2023 in Adelaide, will bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and managers in this domain of interest from around the world.

Conference topics include:
- Progress in the classification, mapping and mineralogy of acid sulfate soils
- Advances in the origins, properties and processes of acid sulfate soils in:
- Coastal environments: coastal margins, oceans and estuaries.
- Inland environments: rivers, lakes, wetlands, irrigated areas and the arid zone
- Mineral exploration sites: presence of concealed ore/mineral deposits
- Industrial sites: acid mine drainage, mine site & salt field remediation, infrastructure assessment
- Water-rock interactions: hydrogeochemistry and water pollution
- Policy development/ societal change and acid sulfate soils: a balancing act
- Management practices, land-use change and acid sulfate soil productivity
- Climate change adaptation and mitigation: the role of acid sulfate soils
- Monitoring networks and environmental change: successes and future prospects
Joint conference supported by:
- International Union of Soil Sciences,
- Soil Science Australia and
- Australian Clay Minerals Society.
Register now for the IASSC 2023 Conference to secure the Earlybird Registration price.
Earlybird registration
Available until 30 November 2022.
- Earlybird member: $850
- Earlybird non-member: $950
- Earlybird student: $550
Registrations include attendance to conference sessions, catering, mid-conference field tour and the Welcome Reception. The Conference Dinner is at a cost of $100 per ticket.
Standard registration
Available until 1 December 2022.
- Standard member: $950
- Standard non-member: $1,050
- Standard student: $650
Registrations include attendance to conference sessions, catering, mid-conference field tour and the Welcome Reception. The Conference Dinner is at a cost of $100 per ticket.
Field tours
- Pre-conference field tour 1: $80
- Mid-conference field tour 2: Included in registration
- Post-conference field tour 3: $80
See separate Conference brochure for more information on the Field Tours (location, dates etc.)