The Program

The program consists of a range of personal and professional development workshops over the course of a year. Examples of sessions include: 

Strengths and Personal Branding workshop 

The maximising strengths session focuses on the theory behind a strengths-based approach and how to apply it to a STEM career. 

It teaches participants how to translate their strengths into a personal brand that feels authentic and one that will propel their careers.

Confidence and Resilience workshop

This workshop supports participants in exploring what is holding them back. The workshop provides a toolbox of strategies to build confidence and courage.

Communicating with Impact workshop

This workshop supports participants in navigating a range of communication contexts, from speaking up in meetings to public speaking in front of a crowd.

Industry Panel

Participants will hear from various representatives across multiple STEM industries about their career experience and their journey. They discuss any challenges they may have faced during their career, followed by Q&A.


Participants will have the chance to build and practice their critical networking skills and learn how to build their own professional networks, through a series of networking-focused events that bring participants and industry together.

Industry Insights

Participants will have the chance to visit employers on-site and gain a greater understanding of what different sectors and career paths entail.