Workshop: Finite Geometry
- Date: Mon, 1 - Fri, 5 Sep 1997
- Location: Mathematics Building, University of Adelaide
- Contact: Christine O'Keefe Organiser
- Email:
The Institute for Geometry and its Applications, the University of Adelaide, is hosting a Finite Geometry Workshop.
Special guest speaker is Professor J.A. Thas (University of Ghent) who will be giving two talks titled Embeddings of generalized polygons and polar spaces including open problems and Extended generalized quadrangles of order (q-1,q+1); techniques, results and open problems.
Financial support
Financial support may be available to interstate and overseas participants. Please indicate on the registration form if you wish to be considered for support. There will be a workshop dinner held on Thursday 4 September.
Accomodation can be arranged at the Royal Adelaide Hospital Residential Wing which is adjacent to the University of Adelaide. Student rooms with shared facilities are $10 per night. There are several rooms with ensuite, lounge room and either one or two bedrooms (each bedroom containing twin beds). These rooms are $45 per night for one person and $55 per night for two or more people. Information about hotels can be provided on request.
Please return the following registration form to Christine O'Keefe by 15 August 1997.
Dr C O'Keefe
Pure Maths Department
University of Adelaide
Adelaide 5005
or email
Registration information needed
- Name:
- Address:
- Email:
- I do/do not wish to give a ...... minute talk titled:
- I wish to apply for financial support YES/NO
- I wish to book a room at the Royal Adelaide Hospital Residential Wing YES/NO
(Please indicate what type of room you would like and whether you want to share.) - I wish to attend the workshop dinner YES/NO