1999 Differential Geometry Seminars

School of Mathematical Sciences – The University of Adelaide.

1999 Seminars

  • Wednesday 22nd December 1999 at 2pm in EMG07
    Justin Sawon (University of Oxford)
    Applications of Lie algebras to hyperkahler geometry
  • Friday 27th August 1999 at 1pm in the Rennie Lecture Theatre
    John Conway (Princeton University)
    What do we know about the sphere-packing problem? (a public lecture)
  • Thursday 26th August 1999 at 1pm in the Rennie Lecture Theatre
    John Conway (Princeton University)
    The wierd and wonderful chemistry of audioactive decay (a public lecture)
  • Wednesday 7th July 1999 at 2pm
    Beth Ruskai (University of Massachusetts, Lowell)
    Quantum communication in noisy channels
  • Wednesday 19th May 1999 at 1:05pm
    Siye Wu
    Anyon statistics, Chern-Simons gauge theory, and the quantum Hall effect
  • Friday 30th April 1999 at 1:05pm
    Bai-Ling Wang
    Ring structure of the Seiberg-Witten-Floer (SWF) cohomology
  • Friday 23rd April 1999 at 1:05pm
    Raoul Bott (Harvard University)
    Remarks on equivariant cohomology
  • Thursday 22nd April 1999 at 12:05pm in the Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre
    Raoul Bott (Harvard University)
    Shape in mathematics and physics (a public lecture)
  • Wednesday 24th March 1999 at 1:05pm in Mathematics Building Room 111
    Michael Murray
    Virtual line bundles and Deligne cohomology
  • Friday 19th March 1999 at 1:05pm
    Mike Eastwood
    Variations on the de Rham complex
  • Tuesday 23rd February 1999 at 1pm in Mathematics Building Room 102
    Pierre Julg (University of Strassbourg)
    The Baum-Connes conjecture and Kazhdan's property T
Tagged in Differential Geometry Seminars, Seminar