Manufacturing Vehicles for Space Launching and Exploration

Researcher: Associate Professor Ling Yin

Research is currently underway to develop biomimetic design, 3D printing and precision manufacturing techniques and processes for crucial materials, such as steels and titanium alloys, for space flights and services, and the deep space. Our research benefits our local companies for the development of their access to global supply chains.   

The research aims to:

(1) Biomimetic design of advanced structures (such as space soft robots) with unique mechanical functions

(2) Develop optimized 3D printing processes for crucial materials and structures (e.g. cube satellite chassis and IoT space sensors)

(3) Develop precision manufacturing processes for post 3D-printed  components with high integrity

(4) Characterise the mechanical properties of manufactured materials in harsh environments to predict their functionality in the deep space

Benefits to life in space

In collaboration with manufacturing companies, we have developed advanced rapid 3D printing processes and novel characterization techniques for quality assessment to enable the high reliability and functionality applied in space flights and services, and the deep space.

Our advanced manufacturing team consists of excellent interdisciplinary experts in mechanical, materials, civil, environmental and mining engineering, and physical science. We have also been closely collaborating with DSTG and ANSTO and achieved considerable success in applying neutron scattering techniques for residual stress mapping. Efforts are also being made to improve the mechanical performance for structures and materials in load-bearing conditions such as space flights, as well as space exploration.  

Benefits to life on Earth

Our team has developed biomimetic design, state-of-the-art manufacturing processes and novel characterization techniques of advanced materials and structures for medical, dental, energy, and defence applications.