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Workshop: Finite Geometry

The Institute for Geometry and its Applications, the University of Adelaide, is hosting a Finite Geometry Workshop on Wednesday 13 November 1996.

[Read more about Workshop: Finite Geometry]

1997 Differential Geometry Seminars

School of Mathematical Sciences – The University of Adelaide.

[Read more about 1997 Differential Geometry Seminars]

Workshop: Finite Geometry

The Institute for Geometry and its Applications, the University of Adelaide, is hosting a Finite Geometry Workshop on Wednesday 19 March 1997.

[Read more about Workshop: Finite Geometry]

Workshop: Finite Geometry

The Institute for Geometry and its Applications, the University of Adelaide, is hosting a Finite Geometry Workshop.

[Read more about Workshop: Finite Geometry]

Workshop: Analytic and Geometric Themes in Nonlinear Mathematics

The aim of this meeting and workshop is to explore major open questions and challenges in the areas of nonlinear differential and difference equations and geometry.

[Read more about Workshop: Analytic and Geometric Themes in Nonlinear Mathematics]

Workshop: Symplectic and Complex Geometry

The University of Adelaide Institute for Geometry and its Applications is hosting a Workshop on Symplectic and Complex Geometry on Thursday and Friday, 27th and 28th November 1997.

[Read more about Workshop: Symplectic and Complex Geometry]

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