2003 Differential Geometry Seminars

School of Mathematical Sciences – The University of Adelaide.

2003 Seminars

  • Monday 15th December 2003 at 1:10pm in Mathematics Building Room G08
    Richard Melrose (MIT)
    Invertibility of differential and pseudodifferential operators on manifolds with boundary
  • Friday 12th December 2003 at 1:10pm in Mathematics Building Room G08
    Joachim Cuntz (Munster)
    K-homology and the Heisenberg commutation relations
  • Friday 5th December 2003 at 1:10pm
    Thomas Leistner
    Holonomy groups of Lorentzian manifolds
  • Friday 14th November 2003 at 1:10pm
    Michael Eastwood
    Conjugate functions
  • Friday 26th September 2003 at 1:10pm
    Indira Chatterji (ETH, Zurich)
    Rapid Decay property for discrete groups
  • Friday 12th September 2003 at 1:10pm
    Avijit Mukherjee
    Moduli space of Higgs bundles over a curve and associated symplectic structures
  • Friday 29th August 2003 at 1:10pm
    Finnur Larusson (University of Western Ontario)
    Complex geometry and abstract homotopy theory
  • Friday 22nd August 2003 at 1:10pm
    Paul Baird (Universite de Brest)
    Twistor representations of harmonic morphisms and conformal foliations
  • Friday 4h July 2003 at 1:10pm
    Nick Buchdahl
    Deformations of compact Kaehler manifolds
  • Friday 9th May 2003 at 1:10pm
    Nick Halmagyi (University of Southern California, Los Angeles)
    N=1 superpotentials and matrix models
  • Friday 4th April 2003 at 1:10pm
    Helene Davaux (Universite Montpellier 2)
    Scalar curvature and spectrum
  • Friday 28th March 2003 at 1:10pm
    Jan Slovak (Masaryk University, Brno)
    Distinguished curves in parabolic geometries
  • Friday 14th February 2003 at 1:10pm
    Alexander Isaev (Australian National University)
    Homogeneity of tube hypersurfaces in complex space
  • Wednesday 12th February 2003 at 1:10pm
    John Baez (University of California, Riverside)
    Lie 2-groups, Lie 2-algebras, and principal 2-bundles
  • Tuesday 11th February 2003 at 1:10pm in Mathematics Building Room G08
    John Baez (University of California, Riverside)
    The Octonions
  • Friday 10th January 2003 at 2:10pm
    Siye Wu (Univerisyt of Colorado)
    Lattice polarization and projective flatness
  • Friday 10th January 2003 at 1:10pm
    Jozef Dodziuk (City University of New York)
    Integral structures on H-type Lie algebras
Tagged in Differential Geometry Seminars, Seminar