Workshop: Several Complex Variables and Complex Geometry
- Date: Tue, 11 - Wed, 12 Aug 2009
- Location: Mathematics Building, Room G08, North Terrace campus
- Contact: Finnur Lárusson Organiser
- Email:
The workshop will be held on the University of Adelaide's North Terrace campus in room G08 of the Mathematics Building.
Saturday 11 August
9:30: Coffee
10:00-10:50: Jens Kroeske, University of Adelaide
Invariant differential pairings
11:00-11:50: Rasul Shafikov, University of Western Ontario
Real-analytic sets in complex spaces and CR maps
14:00-14:50: Alexander Isaev, Australian National University
Proper group actions in complex geometry
15:30-16:20: Nicholas Buchdahl, University of Adelaide
A new proof of a theorem of Kodaira
16:30-17:20: Finnur Lárusson, University of Adelaide
The Siciak-Zahariuta extremal function and analytic discs
Sunday 12 August
9:00-9:50: Gerd Schmalz, University of New England
Dynamical behaviour of CR automorphisms near a fixed point
10:30-11:20: Rasul Shafikov, University of Western Ontario
Holomorphic extension of CR functions from quadratic cones
11:30-12:20: Michael Eastwood, University of Adelaide
The X-ray transform on complex projective space
For more information, contact:
Finnur Lárusson