2013 Lecture Series

There will be several distinguished IGA Lecturers spread throughout the year, who will give lecture series on current topics of intense international interest in Geometry and its Applications.

Robert Bryant (Duke University)

Speaker at the IGA Mini-Workshop "Aspects of Finsler Geometry"

4 lectures (1 hour each), 31 October-1 November 2013. The lectures are held in conference room 7.15, Level 7, Ingkarni Wardli building, University of Adelaide.

  • Lecture 1: The origins of Finsler geometry in the calculus of variations
  • Lecture 2: Finsler manifolds of constant flag curvature
  • Lecture 3: Recent developments in special holonomy manifolds
  • Lecture 4: The geometry of rolling surfaces and non-holonomic mechanics

Nigel Higson (Penn State University)

Speaker at the IGA/AMSI Workshop "Representation Theory and Operator Algebras"

5 lectures (2 hours each), 1-5 July 2013. The lectures are held in conference room 7.15, Level 7, Ingkarni Wardli building, University of Adelaide.

  • Lecture 1: The Geometry of the Weyl Character Formula
  • Lecture 2: A Sketch of Harish-Chandra's Theory for Noncompact Groups
  • Lecture 3: Baum-Connes versus Beilinson-Bernstein
  • Lecture 4: Contractions of Lie Groups and the Mackey Analogy
  • Lecture 5: On the Category of Tempered Representations

Jouko Mickelsson (University of Helsinki)

Speaker at the IGA Workshop "Current Groups and Twisted K-theory"

5 lectures (2 hours each), 2-5 April 2013. The lectures are held in conference room 7.15, Level 7, Ingkarni Wardli building, University of Adelaide.

  • Lecture 1: Anomalies in quantum field theory
  • Lecture 2: Current group extensions and gerbes
  • Lecture 3: Background on twisted K-theory
  • Lecture 4: Twisted K-theory constructions
  • Lecture 5: Gerbal actions and higher group cocycles
Tagged in Lecture Series, Workshop