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2013 Differential Geometry Seminars

School of Mathematical Sciences – The University of Adelaide.

[Read more about 2013 Differential Geometry Seminars]

2013 Strings Journal Club Seminars

A learning seminar on topics related to the geometric aspects of string theory. Several mathematical subjects, including topology, representation theory, and operator algebras are also discussed.

[Read more about 2013 Strings Journal Club Seminars]

Workshop: Current Groups and Twisted K-theory

Short biography

[Read more about Workshop: Current Groups and Twisted K-theory]

2013 Lecture Series

There will be several distinguished IGA Lecturers spread throughout the year, who will give lecture series on current topics of intense international interest in Geometry and its Applications.

[Read more about 2013 Lecture Series]

Workshop: Representation Theory and Operator Algebras

This interdisciplinary workshop will be about aspects of representation theory (in the sense of Harish-Chandra), aspects of noncommutative geometry (in the sense of Alain Connes) and aspects of operator K-theory (in the sense of Gennadi Kasparov).

[Read more about Workshop: Representation Theory and Operator Algebras]

Mini-workshop: Aspects of Finsler Geometry

Short biography

[Read more about Mini-workshop: Aspects of Finsler Geometry]

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