Our Built and Natural Environments

Together we are tackling global challenges and driving progress towards a sustainable future.

A city scape covered in fog
  • TreeTox: eco-friendly soil washing

    Did you know that even low concentrations of heavy metals present in soil is toxic to all living organisms?

    The mining industry is a large contributor to soil contamination, releasing millions of tonnes of heavy metals into the environment annually. Heavy metals, including lead, cadmium and zinc, ultimately pollutes surrounding lands, air and water ecosystems. Conventional methods of chemical soil remediation are typically done with strong acids, such as EDTA, which can induce secondary pollution and damage soil fertility. This project aims to prove the effectiveness of a fully biodegradable alternative. Pyroligneous acid leaching provides an environmentally-friendly solution. Nicknamed wood vinegar, it is derived from biomass such as bamboo and eucalytpus. Even with a net zero carbon footprint, it can effectively remove heavy metals when physically applied to contaminated soil. Implementing these findings will help to improve soil quality globally.  

    Project by:

    • Zara Cox 
    • Lauren Palumbo 
  • Airing out wildlife trafficking

    Is air the solution to stopping the illegal wildlife trade?

    The illegal wildlife trade is a multi-billion-dollar industry which threatens biodiversity and exploits vulnerabilities in global supply chains. Unprecedented amounts of wildlife products are illegally transported through shipping cargo containers, however border authorities are currently only able to screen <2% of all containers, and wildlife is not their priority.

    Our project aims to design an innovative tool which can be used by authorities to investigate suspicious cargo containers for the presence of wildlife contraband. Using 3D printing technology, we have developed a portable, non-invasive air sampling device. We are currently trialing different methods for the analysis of the air samples collected, including detector dogs, mass spectrometry and environmental DNA, to determine the most effective approach. The development of this technology will aid in monitoring the illegal wildlife trade with the aim of enhancing legislative enforcement and disrupting trafficking activity.

    Project by:

    • Georgia Moloney 
  • Engineering a healthier wetland

    Banrock Station is a privately owned wetland of international importance, located on the Murray River. It plays a vital role in providing habitat for several migratory bird species and other local flora and fauna. This project aims to improve the health of important wetland species by providing actionable wetland management recommendations. This was achieved through the optimisation of a localised water balance model, accurate vegetation mapping, and the creation of a framework of ecological requirements. A new watering regime was created which balances the ecological requirements and water budget of the wetland. This was paired with recommendations on how to best implement the plan, including a revised method of water accounting and the opening of a secondary inlet. The implementation of this plan and the associated recommendations will ensure that the health of the wetland will continue to improve long into the future.

    Project by:

    • Samuel Munger 
    • Douglas Watson 
    • Priyam Trivedi 
    • Nyamjargal Namsraijav 
  • Sustainably minimising soil swell

    Adelaide's expansive soils swell and shrink throughout the seasonal year, leading to costly infrastructure damage. This project investigates sustainable solutions to mitigating soil swell by testing the effectiveness of adding innovative materials like expanded polystyrene beads, shredded tyre crumb, and traditional lime to soil. Various additive concentrations and combinations will be trailed to find an optimal additive solution. We performed swell and cyclic wetting-drying tests to mimic real-world conditions, assessing how these materials reduce soil expansion. The results indicate that combining these additives effectively stabilises expansive soils, offering a promising approach to improving construction resilience in areas with similar soil challenges. By adopting soil expansion mitigation additives into construction projects, we can enhance infrastructure longevity and reduce maintenance costs, making them a viable solution for the future of construction in regions with reactive soils.

    Project by:

    • Olivia Law 
    • Henry Nelligan 
    • Benjamin Stidwell
  • To tree or not to tree?

    "To tree or not to tree?" is the pivotal question in today's battle against rising urban temperatures. The detrimental effects of increased temperatures on health, productivity and quality of life have reinforced the importance of urban greening as a mitigation strategy. However, designing effective greening strategies becomes challenging in complex and uncertain futures. The project aims to develop an understanding of factors that influence urban greening and improve the confidence of urban greening decision making. We have developed an integrated model and interactive tool that both enable the exploration of critical factors impacting the urban greening system to support the development of robust urban greening strategies. The model is supported by a systems diagram, integrating physical, social, environmental and economic factors. Our sensitivity analysis identified the critical factors as canopy cover, ambient temperature, urban heat island and rainfall. These outcomes empower stakeholders to make informed decisions in uncertain futures.

    Project by:

    • Olivia Webb 
    • Pia Piotto 
    • Eilis Murphy 
    • Olivia Smith 
    • Jalen North 
  • Strengthening of concrete columns

    The building and construction sectors, whom are large consumers of concrete, are responsible for 21% of global greenhouse gas emissions and 40% of global energy consumption. Our project aims to address the challenge of reducing the environmental impact of construction by exploring the use of hybrid fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) for strengthening internally reinforced concrete columns.

    We have developed a design-oriented model that accurately predicts the structural performance of hybrid FRP confined concrete columns with internal reinforcement. This model has been calibrated by testing a series of glass and carbon FRP confined concrete specimens, with additional internal reinforcement. The outcome of our project has been to quantify the structural and environmental impacts of hybrid FRP confinement against single FRP confinement, and alternative strengthening methods. With this understanding we will be able to provide the construction industry with insights into how FRP hybridisation can reduce their environmental footprint.

    Project by:

    • Ashleigh Searle 
    • Mitchell Jude 
    • William Warrick 
    • Lucy Young 
  • Additives to control soil swelling

    Expansive soils are types of soil that can change in size when they absorb or lose water, leading to cracks and damage in buildings and roads. This issue is particularly challenging in regions like Australia, including Adelaide. Traditional methods to stabilise these soils often involve using lime or cement, but these solutions can have negative environmental impacts. Our project explores more sustainable alternatives by using recycled foam and leather from shoes, and rubber from old tyres. We conducted a series of tests by mixing these materials with soil to see how they affect the soil's behaviour. The aim was to determine the best combination that reduces swelling and increases the soil's strength. By finding an effective and eco-friendly solution, we hope to improve construction practices and reduce the risk of damage caused by expansive soils, all while being mindful of the environment.

    Project by:

    • Tianhaoyang Yu 
    • Dingyu Xu 
  • Predicting the service life of 'green' concretes

    Concrete production is a significant contributor to global CO2 emissions, accounting for approximately 8% of the total. In response to growing environmental concerns, our project investigates the potential of 'green' concretes to reduce emissions and enhance sustainability. We developed a comprehensive model to predict the service life of these eco-friendly materials, assessing their performance from production to disposal. Using simulations based on Fick's laws, we analysed how different green concrete formulations impact the penetration of CO2 and chloride ions and their effects on steel reinforcement and corrosion resistance. Additionally, a life cycle assessment (LCA) was conducted to evaluate the environmental benefits and trade-offs of using green concretes. The results highlight the potential for these materials to significantly reduce CO2 emissions while maintaining durability, challenging the construction industry to adopt more sustainable practices.

    Project by:

    • Oskars Lidums 
    • Retaj Alassaf 
    • William Smith 
  • Solar glass recycling

    My project aims to address a significant issue: managing old solar panels when they reach the end of their life. These panels are primarily made of glass, but there isn't currently an effective method to recycle this glass for new purposes, such as creating food and drink containers. I am focused on developing a process to safely recycle this glass, ensuring it is free from harmful chemicals. To achieve this, I am exploring different techniques to determine which one most effectively removes dangerous substances like lead and antimony from the glass. Once the best method is identified, I will apply it to ensure that the recycled glass is both clean and safe. The outcome will be a reliable process for recycling solar panel glass, transforming waste into valuable products and promoting environmental sustainability.

    Project by:

    • Charlie Dowling 
  • Fruit waste is a potential material

    The issue of environmental pollution because of waste plastic is always a hot debate in worldwide. Plastic waste accounts for a large part and more than 450 million tons of plastic waste is generated annually. However, only a small part of it is recycled. This difficult problem has been addressed due to many environmentally friendly products made from paper or the materials that straightforward to be depredated. This biofilm project is also in the process of research and development with the aim of limiting and replacing plastic bags. Nevertheless, the highlight of this project is creating bags for food that are durable, elastic and keep food fresh for long time. Additionally, the future application of identifying spoiled food based on pH will be researched with the indicator called "betacyanin". The project will focus on developing and adapting biofilms that are feasible to produce, to use and friendly to the environment.

    Project by:

    • Hoang Phuc Tran 
    • Ngoc Tu Lai 
  • Engineering a spaceport

    Space missions are a risky endeavour and are always caused from incorrect design and manufacturing choices. While the identification of hazardous conditions is not always possible, it is vital that risk mitigation strategies are implemented to provide higher levels of safety. For our client, Southern Launch, these risk mitigation strategies are of an extremely high level of importance. Hence, we have been tasked with the engineering design of a spaceport located in Whalers Way, South Australia, with a particular emphasis on the design parameters of a nearby control room against the blast loading experienced from a 10 tonne rocket explosion.  Our project has aided in determining multiple pressures experienced from a rocket explosion, which were then utilized for obtaining safe cordon distances for bystanders in open field, and for the wall thickness designs for the nearby control room at a range of varying distances. 

    Project by:

    • George Christpoulos 
    • Alexandros Katsigiannis 
  • How shelter belts protect orchards

    Protecting orchard trees from damaging high-speed winds is critical for Australian growers in producing a successful seasonal yield. Shelter belts are a method frequently used by growers to disrupt the incoming winds and provide greater protection for orchard trees. This project aims to investigate the effect of shelter belt distance from the leading row of trees on the drag across the orchard and determine an optimal distance. A wind tunnel study was conducted using a scale model orchard constructed using an array of 3D printed trees and perforated sheet metal as a shelter belt. The preliminary findings have shown a decrease in the drag reduction across the orchard as the shelter belt was moved further away from the front of the orchard. Suggesting that an optimal shelter belt configuration would be placed as close to the orchard as possible to minimise drag across the entire orchard.

    Project by:

    • Liam Elliot-Mitchell 
    • Henry Jenkin 
    • Jesse Temme 
  • 3D concrete printing - mining waste

    There are sustainability concerns surrounding cement usage in concrete mixes due to their environmental footprint. Furthermore, current construction methods are lengthy and expensive. Implementing 3D printing devices within the industry improves efficiency, and accuracy, and reduces the requirement for formwork and labour.

    Another sustainability concern is the production of by-products within the mining industry. Our project explores using mining waste in concrete for 3D printing. Mixes are designed using varying proportions of waste, cement, sand, water, and superplasticiser additives. Iron ore tailings, diatomite, and blast furnace slag will be explored in 10%, 20% and 30% replacement of cement in the mixes.

    Once printed and cured for 28 days, each concrete specimen is cut and tested where each design will undergo analysis of their physical, mechanical and durability properties to provoke comparison between the sustainable mixes developed and conventional concrete mixes.

    The findings of this project will contribute to advancing progression into a more sustainable construction industry.

    Project by:

    • Emma McLeay 
    • Jadd Ali 
    • Max White 
    • Sian Parker 
  • Architected 3D-printed concrete

    Concrete is a vital part of the construction industry that is used in most modern-day structures. However, formwork accounts for 40 to 60% of traditional concrete construction. 3D-printed concrete can help reduce this need for formwork but it is still being developed. However, 3D-printed concrete is not too popular in the industry due to several limitations, including layer adhesion, strength, and structural deformation.  
    The goal of this project is to investigate how the strength of concrete can be improved using different printing patterns. The project also aims to maximise the performance of 3D-printed concrete to increase its application in the industry.  

    Several patterns have been developed using G-code and printed using a WASP machine. These patterns are then tested against traditionally casted concrete to evaluate the benefits of different interlocking patterns.  

    The results will be used to further demonstrate the practicality of 3D-printed concrete in replacing traditional construction methods.

    Project by:

    • Sophie Harrison 
    • Ryan Kuchel 
    • Ngoc Thanh Vu 
    • Haoqing Yang 
  • Are arched floors the next big thing?

    The civil construction industry, being a prominent contributor to carbon emissions due to extensive concrete production and consumption, has been actively pursuing innovative solutions to mitigate its environmental impact and decrease its carbon footprint. A proposed solution involves the utilisation of alternative floor designs in construction using vaulted geometry as opposed to a conventional beam and slab layout. In this project we performed several series of simulation to test the feasibility of these designs. These simulations determined the deflection, moments and reaction forces of a proposed design.  

    The project methodology included the generation of various vaulted and beam-based floor slab designs, and evaluating the results of the software against hand calculations. We will present the results of the our simulations and analyses, and present our conclusion on the question: Are vaulted floor the newest civil innovation in sustainable building?

    Project by:

    • Oliver Tan 
    • Ahmed Elmagayry 
    • Jagpartap Singh 
    • Manvir Singh 
  • 3D hologram simulations

    Within industries of material development and manufacturing, quality assurance is essential for consumer confidence that materials meet a predefined standard. Some Industries utilise Non Destructive Evaluation (NDE) that inspects and evaluates materials without damaging the product itself. Digital holography is a type of Non Destructive Evaluation that utilises a camera to capture the light reflected of the material. The captured light interference pattern can then produce a 3D image of the material to observe for possible defects. This project focuses on simulating the light interference pattern captured by the camera to understand the methods of reconstructing a digital 3D image. Using MATLAB, simulations were performed to interpret light patterns and review the impact of Fourier analysis in the accurate replication of 3D structures. The findings indicate the importance of digital holography to perform non-destructive evaluations to ensure material integrity and reliability.

    Project by:

    • Gurvir Singh 
  • Smart stormwater for future floods

    Flooding is a natural disaster that causes millions of dollars in damage every year for Australian businesses and governments. Rising average global temperatures due to climate change will increase the likelihood of intense rainfall and resulting stormwater flows in the future. The higher rainfall and peak flows during storm events mean it is likely the capacity of current stormwater infrastructure will be exceeded, adding to flooding damage and costs. Our project investigates the use of smart control valves at storage outlets as an alternative to costly large-scale upgrades of stormwater conveyance network capacity. Results were collected using a combination of physical and virtual modelling under projected climate change affected rainfall conditions. The findings show that real-time control (RTC) of outlet valves at stormwater storages can be effective at decreasing downstream peak flows during climate impacted storm events.

    Project by:

    • Fatima Butt 
    • Jake Angel 
    • Toby Mackereth 
    • Ben Philpott 
  • Ultrasonic feral cat audio lure

    Feral cats are a major threat to Australia's native wildlife, leading to significant ecological damage. Traditional trapping methods often fall short in effectiveness as cats are cautious and intelligent predators. This project aims to enhance the Felixer device, an automated grooming trap, by developing an ultrasonic audio lure specifically designed to attract feral cats. By incorporating the ultrasonic component that is naturally produced by prey and other feral cats, that is missing in playback on regular speakers, this project aims to enhance the effectiveness of the Felixer device while minimising the risk to native species. The project involves testing various ultrasonic frequencies responses produced by commercially available speakers and designing an embedded control system that emits these sounds while maintaining ultrasonic frequencies components. Initial trials have shown promising results, with successes in ultrasonic capabilities of commercial speakers and with trials of household cat response to ultrasonic lure playback.

    Project by:

    • Hugh Holfeld 
    • Josh Covino
    • Nelson Petersen
  • 3D-printing, energy absorption

    3D-printing has been applied in many industries to decrease environmental impact by reducing material wastes and improve production efficiency. It can be utilised to build complex structures with a variety of materials to increase structural strength. In this project, the energy absorption performance of different geometric pattern structures will be explored through several testings to determine the deformation of the structure under compression with the use of different materials. In which could assist in providing more material and structural choices for the design of 3D-printing products.

    Project by:

    • Serena Fong 
    • Yucheng Zhu 
    • Yvonne Muiruri 
    • Zhanwei Wang 
  • FRP: Reinforcing Timber's Future!

    Imagine a future where sustainable building materials reduce our environmental footprint, while improving structural integrity! In this project, we developed new methods to predict the strength and behaviour of timber joints using Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) rods, aimed at improving understanding how these materials bond together. By integrating these rods with Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL), we examined how they could boost joint performance through thorough testing and advanced modelling. We conducted extensive experiments and developed models to understand how different factors like the length of the rods and their placement angle affect a joint’s strength. This allowed us to produce a reliable model that predicts how these joints would behave under different stresses, helping to prevent failures and contributing to safer and more efficient construction practices. By providing a scientific basis for using FRP rods, our work supports the broader adoption of sustainable timber in construction.

    Project by:

    • Dylan Drakos 
    • Josephine Harris 
    • Tyson Lane 
    • Hamish McKenny