NExUS is a prestigious summer school for the next generation of Australian geoscientists.
NExUS is supported by industry, government, geoscience institutions, and academia and administered through the University of Adelaide. Dates for the 2024 South Australian Summer School are 24th November to 8th December, and the 5-day NExUS-RoadShow workshop will take place in Fremantle between the 11th and 15th November 2024.
During 2024 NExUS is financially supported by our Platinum Sponsors; the Minerals Council of Australia, our Gold Sponsors; BHP, Fortescue, and Teck Resources, Our Silver Sponsors; Australian Institute of Geoscientists (AIG), and AngloGold Ashanti, and by our Copper Sponsors; the Department for Energy and Mining, South Australia, and Dreadnought Resources.
Professional development courses
Short courses and interactive workshops to build the skills and knowledge of current and future geologists.