Course Details
NExUS is supported by industry, government geoscience institutions and academia.
Delivered by key figures in industry, government and academia, NExUS participants are exposed to leading exploration concepts and technology to face the challenges of effective exploration through post-mineralisation cover.
The South Australian NExUS Summer School takes place at the end of November-beginning of December and consists of 2-weeks of workshops, interactive lectures and hands-on activities both in the field and in the classroom, with evening networking events with senior representatives from industry and professional organisations.
The NExUS-RoadShow 5-day workshop covers the same core exploration geoscience topics and benefits from lectures and workshops presented by industry and academic leaders, and has been hosted at the Esplanade Hotel, Fremantle since 2021.
Both programs are coordinated and led by Dr Richard Lilly from the University of Adelaide. NExUS programs strive to be up-to-date and are never the same twice! In 2024 the SA Summer School program is expected to last for 2-weeks and will include the first week based in Adelaide and the second week in the field on the Yorke Peninsula. Further details below.

Themes and learning objectives
The primary outcome of the programs are that you will understand the challenges and opportunities of mineral exploration in Australia into the future, and have knowledge of the tools required to address these problems.
The program is centred on addressing the four key themes identified by UNCOVER as being the major knowledge areas to improve the success rate of tier 1 and 2 mineral system discoveries, particularly under areas of cover. These themes are:
- Theme 1 - Characterising the cover: New knowledge to confidently explore beneath the cover.
- Theme 2 - Investigating Australia’s lithospheric architecture: A whole-of-lithosphere architectural framework for mineral systems exploration.
- Theme 3 - Resolving the 4D geodynamic and metallogenic evolution of Australia: Understanding ore deposit origins for better prediction.
- Theme 4 - Characterising and detecting the distal footprints of ore deposits: Towards a toolkit for minerals exploration.
Under each theme, the advanced discipline skills identified by the Minerals Tertiary Education Council (MTEC) are examined to highlight how they relate to the UNCOVER priority themes.

5-Day Exploration Geoscience Workshop in Fremantle!
The NExUS-RoadShow is a 5-day applied exploration geoscience workshop for students and early career geoscientists
The RoadShow is presented by industry experts on core exploration topics including:
- Exploration Geophysics and Geochemistry,
- Regolith and Landscape evolution,
- ESG,
- 1-day fieldtrip to the Geological Survey of Western Australia drill core facility
The workshop is fully catered, with plenty of opportunity to network with industry legends!
Attendance is FREE for students and selected early career geoscientists. The 2024 NExUS-RoadShow is expected to take place between the 11th and 15th November 2024.

NExUS Summer School 2022: Week 1
South Australia Drill Core Reference Library, Tonsley
NExUS 2022 started on Monday 28th November at the at the state-of-the-art Geological Survey of South Australia (GSSA) Drill Core Reference Library at Tonsley, Adelaide.
Activities included:
- An introduction to UNCOVER, the Australian initiative focusing geoscience effort on exploration under post-mineralisation cover
- A one-day regolith and exploration geochemistry workshop
- Critical minerals and metal recovery from tailings
- A field trip to a former pyrite mine and mining rehabilitation case-study site
- Hands-on drill core exercises at the Drill Core Library.
- Introduction to exploration geophysics and a session in the 3D visualisation suite.
- A chance to attend the South Australian Exploration and Mining Conference.
Each evening hosted social and networking events designed to expand your professional network and learn from industry experts.

NExUS Summer School 2022: Week 2
Yorke Peninsula field trip
Week two involved travelling to the Yorke Peninsula via the historic Kapunda copper mine. We stayed in a hostel-style field centre at Wallaroo, completed an ore textures workshop, and completed a mix of lectures and field trips. The highlight of the week is always spending several days collecting geophysical and geochemical data at Rex Minerals Hillside (IOCG) deposit (and going for a swim at the beach in Wallaroo).
We spend as much time in the field as possible while visiting classic South Australian field sites and numerous historical mine sites.