Biomedical Engineering Group
The Biomedical Engineering research group designs and develops devices used to diagnose, treat and monitor a wide variety of health conditions.

Our research has been applied extensively throughout the health sector, including to support care in hospitals, clinical settings, residential facilities for the elderly, and rehabilitation centres (e.g. for spinal injury).
Our Biomedical Electronic Devices research group is primarily concerned with:
- designing and developing wireless microelectronic and nanoelectronic systems, including mixed-signal
- energy harvesting to power implantable wireless systems
- wireless energy transfer for implantable wireless systems
- sensory system integration using micro-electro-mechanical systems
- wirelessly actuated micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS).
We aim to augment existing health monitoring technology by developing:
- maintenance-free low-power and low-cost devices
- more accurate sensory devices that require smaller samples at a low cost
- a biocompatible scaffold structure that can be implanted in patients with spinal injury to repair physical damage.
Research impact
Our group’s research has had numerous real-world applications. These include:
- new methods of powering miniature microelectronic systems, such as battery-less wireless structural health monitoring systems
- wireless stents for use in coronary artery disease treatment
- new energy-harvesting approaches in implantable wireless systems
- conductive textiles and polymers for wireless biomedical systems.
Our researchers
We have expertise across a wide range of areas. Many of our researchers are available to assist with research project supervision for Master of Philosophy and Doctor of Philosophy students.
Research team Expertise Dr Said Al-Sarawi Wireless micro- and nano-electronic systems; Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) Sensors; Biomedical devices such stent and embedded sensors Professor Derek Abbott Professor Jagan Mazumdar -
We collaborate with universities, industry and government organisations, including:
- Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates)
- Sydney University
- University of British Colombia, Vancouver (Canada)
To enquire about consulting services or working with us on a research project, please contact:

Higher degree by research opportunities
Be involved in engineering discovery, invention, and cutting-edge research through a higher degree by research. Join our Master of Philosophy or Doctor of Philosophy programs.