Safe Road Infrastructure
Research in Safe Road Infrastructure relates to the development of forgiving road environments through improved infrastructure planning, design, maintenance and management.

Our Safe Road Infrastructure research is primarily conducted through the internationally recognised Centre for Automotive Safety Research (CASR). Our researchers’ particular areas of focus include the:
- efficacy of infrastructure treatments in reducing road related trauma
- discovery of infrastructure treatments that will contribute to eliminating road deaths and injury
- link between specific road design features and mechanisms of injury.
Our Safe Road Infrastructure work benefits, and is of immediate relevance to, all road users, whether they be drivers, motorcyclists, cyclists or pedestrians. It also influences government policy and practice, and can assist:
- road funders
- private road operators
- consulting firms
- companies with private vehicle networks and/or large fleets
- organisations involved in regional and urban development and planning.
Research impact
Our researchers aim to identify infrastructure planning, design and management practices that can contribute to the elimination of harm from use of the road system.
In pursuit of this goal, we are working to understand:
- how road infrastructure can be retrofitted to improve safety
- effective low-cost treatments for minor roads and remote areas
- suitable treatments for specific road-user groups, including pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists and heavy vehicles
- intelligent ‘smart city’ transport systems.
Our findings regularly translate to significant real-world outcomes. For example, they have:
- been incorporated in several guidance documents published by the national roads organisation Austroads
- informed numerous road safety strategy and action plan documents nationally and internationally
- been a feature of knowledge transfer and capacity building activity with road engineers and transport system managers.
Consulting services
We are regularly invited to provide independent professional advice, and conduct research and evaluation, in relation to road safety matters for government and non-government organisations in Australia and overseas. We are also able to assist individual organisations with their road safety needs.
Our researchers
We have expertise across a wide range of areas. Many of our researchers are available to assist with research project supervision for Master of Philosophy and Doctor of Philosophy students.
Research team Expertise Associate Professor Jeremy Woolley Harm reduction speed policy; Enforcement; Speed and crash risk Dr Christopher Stokes Safe system speed policy; Speed limits; Speed reduction through infrastructure treatments Dr Mario Mongiardini Crash barrier modelling; Data analysis; Crash testing To enquire about consulting services or working with us on a research project, please contact:
Associate Professor Jeremy Woolley
Director, Centre for Automotive Safety Research
We collaborate with various industry and government organisations, including:
- ACT Government
- Adelaide City Council
- Australian Driverless Vehicles Initiative
- Austroads
- Centre for Accident Research and Road Safety Queensland (CARRS-Q)
- City of Onkaparinga
- Curtin Monash Accident Research Centre (C-MARC)
- Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure
- Main Roads WA
- Motor Accident Commission
- Motor Accidents Insurance Board
- Monash University Accident Research Centre
- Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads
- SA Police
- Transport and Road Safety (TARS) research group
- Transport for New South Wales
- VicRoads
Higher degrees by research
Whether you intend to work in research or industry, a higher degree by research can give you a competitive edge throughout your career. Find out more about studying a Master of Philosophy or Doctor of Philosophy.