Research capabilities
CASR regularly works in partnership with public and private sector organisations. Some of our research capabilities are outlined in the brochures below.
Understanding crashes
CASR has decades of experience conducting research into road crashes. To find out more about understanding road crashes, our unique data sources and the insights we can bring please click on the button below to view our information sheet.
Heavy vehicle crashes
With over 40 years experience CASR leads the way in conducting in-depth crash investigations involving heavy vehicles. Since 2006 CASR has investigated 131 crashes involving heavy vehicles.
Event Data Recorders
The advent of Event Data Recorders (EDRs) in recent years has opened unprecedented opportunities to understand events just prior to a crash. An EDR records various vehicle sensor data up to 5 seconds prior to a crash, and during the impact, similar to a black box in an aircraft. To date CASR has downloaded the data from 766 crash involved vehicles.
Driver distraction
Road user distraction increases the risk of having a road crash. Research by CASR examined the contribution of road user distraction and inattention in fatal and injury crashes as well as objectively measuring the prevalence of in-vehicle distracting driver behaviours in moving traffic.
Mental health and road safety
Our new mental health research program, led by a team of human factors experts including a clinical psychologist, focuses on understanding the impact of mental health disorders on crash causation as well as mental health functioning experienced after a crash. Our research draws on the use of unique detailed crash data sets and comprehensive discussions with road users following their involvement in a crash.
Vehicle testing
CASR performs pedestrian subsystem testing in accordance with ANCAP protocols in our lab at Kent Town. We also operate our own advanced equipment that can perform a wide range of standard and non-standard tests for advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and connected and automated vehicles scenarios.