Dynamics Modelling and Computation

Dynamics, Modelling and Computation research involves mathematically modelling problems in biology, chemistry, ecology, geophysics, materials science and many other areas of science and engineering. 

Dynamics Modelling and Computation

Mathematical model of a microbial colony. The direction of cell growth depends on the nutrient level, with lighter cells having greater directional bias.

Our Dynamics, Modelling and Computation research group provides valuable insights and accurate predictions that advance industry and empower researchers in numerous disciplines. 

We are particularly focused on real-world industrial, scientific and engineering problems.  

Our expertise includes:  

  • developing models using differential equations 
  • classical mechanics, particularly in fluid dynamics 
  • applying and developing solution methods, ranging from analytical (e.g., based on asymptotic theories) to numerical (e.g., computational fluid dynamics) 


  • Research impact

    Our research is highly interdisciplinary, and of great relevance and benefit to numerous industries. We are involved in multiple research collaborations with colleagues from a variety of fields, such as medicine, biology, oceanography, nanotechnology, glaciology and industry.  

    Some of these projects include: 

    • understanding spatial structures in colorectal (bowel) cancer 
    • developing coupled fire–atmosphere models of bushfire spread 
    • enhancing electrospray ionisation sensitivity in mass spectrometry 
    • designing operationally viable ocean-wave-energy-converter farms 
    • modelling suspension flows along curved geometries 
    • advancing mathematical methods for modern glass and fibre technology 
    • engineering floating liquid marbles for three-dimensional cell cultures 
    • modelling Antarctic sea ice

    Our work has led to many high-impact discoveries in real-word problems.  

    Highlights include: 

    • providing evidence that catastrophic Antarctic ice shelf disintegration is triggered by sea-ice loss and wave impact 
    • demonstrating mathematical models’ ability to predict diffusion-limited growth within a microbial colony 
    • showing that optical fibres’ geometry is significantly affected by surface tension present during their drawing process 
  • Lead researchers

    Research team Expertise
    Associate Professor Sanjeeva Balasuriya  Dynamical systems; fluid mechanics; mathematical modelling 
    Associate Professor Luke Bennetts  Wave motion; hydrodynamics; Antarctic/Southern ocean dynamics
    Associate Professor Benjamin Binder  Agent-based and continuum models; free-surface flows; mathematical biology 
    Professor Yvonne Stokes  Fluid dynamics; free and moving boundary problems; mathematical biology 
    Dr Edward Green  Mathematical biology; fluid mechanics; reaction-diffusion equations 
    Dr Trent Mattner  Turbulent flows; large-eddy simulation; vortical flows 
    Dr Michael Chen  Mathematical biology, fluid mechanics, asymptotic methods, data science
    Dr Chantelle Blachut  Coherent structures in geophysical flows; anomalous activity in time dependent dynamical systems
    Dr Daniel Netherwood Mathematical biology; fluid–structure interaction; asymptotic modelling
  • Consulting services

    We are available to advise or lead public- and private-sector projects involving: 

    • mathematically and numerically modelling real-world problems involving dynamics 
    • analysing models and solution methodology. 

    To enquire about consulting or working with us on a research project, please contact our lead researcher: 

    Dr Luke Bennetts 
    Associate Professor, School of Computer and Mathematical Sciences 

  • Collaboration

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