Optimisation and Logistics

Our Optimisation and Logistics research group applies specialised computing techniques to solve complex and restrained process-optimisation problems and enhance efficiencies.

Optimisation and Logistics

These methods can be applied in any industry including to: 

  • plan delivery trucks’ daily routes 
  • assist with long-term mining decisions 
  • design wind turbines and farms 
  • customise program code for energy consumption 

Techniques central to the group’s research include:  

  • linear programming 
  • ‘branch and bound’ algorithm design 
  • genetic algorithms 
  • evolution strategies 
  • genetic programming 
  • ant colony optimisation 
  • particle swarm optimisation 
  • local search 

We focus on:  

  • constraint-handling techniques 
  • multi-objectivity 
  • dynamic environments 


Higher degree by research opportunities

Whether you intend to work in research or industry, a higher degree by research can give you a competitive edge throughout your career.

Find out more about studying a Master of Philosophy Master of Philosophy (MPhil) or Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).

HDR opportunities