Photo Credits
We've used photographs from various sources to showcase our research and school activities.
Here we have attributed the images to the authors, many of which are current or past researchers and PhD students.
- Threatened species series image - Kangaroo Island sea lions: Sputnik
- Environmental diversity series image - underwater biodiversity: Sean Connell
- Blueprints for action series image - Glenelg by air: James Tresize
BSc (Honours) graduate Victoria McCarron also completed her PhD in ecology with us. As you can tell from her images, she is also quite the photographer!
Pablo Garcia Diaz was a PhD student under the supervision of Associate Professor Phillip Cassey and Associate Professor Joshua Ross. His research highlights his interest in exotic vertebrate risk analysis and invasion pathway modelling.
George Steinmetz is a regular contributor to National Geographic and GEO Magazines. Best known for his exploration photography, George Steinmetz has a restless curiosity for the unknown: remote deserts, obscure cultures, the mysteries of science and technology.
These images are of the seagrass conservation, recovery and restoration project.
Shannon Lauchlan is an estuarine ecologist investigating the impacts of climate change on estuarine ecosystems. She’s passionate about marine & estuarine ecology, fisheries management, and aquatic conservation.
Professor Megan Lewis is an expert in earth observation using remote sensing (from satellites, aircraft, lab & field instruments, and now drones) to document, analyse and monitor landscape composition and variation in space and time.
Associate Professor Phill Cassey is the Director of the Centre for Applied Conservation Science and Associate Head of the Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology.
Cassey Invasion Ecology Website
If you're a staff member or student, find out how you can contribute photographs and news for publication.