Our Research
Our award-winning biological science research is providing benefits for human health.
Our environmental scientists provide new understanding and tools to better monitor and manage threats to biodiversity, including invasive species and ecosystem degradation; while our palaeontologists and evolutionary biologists learn from the past and present to better manage the future world.
Research strengths
Our research centres around the following areas:
Institutes and centres
TERN Ecosystem Research Infrastructure
Providing world-leading research to monitor and understand changes to Australia's terrestrial ecosystem and climate, which helps build predictions about future risks.
Environment Institute
Connecting leading conservation, water, and climate scientists with international collaborators and external stakeholders to address complex environmental problems and export research innovation to the world.
Combatting wildlife crime and preventing environmental harm
Building a research-led Community of Practice approach to improve environmental biosecurity which helps to safeguard Australia’s biodiversity and natural environments to benefit everyone.
Australia-China Joint Research Centre on Grains for Health
Advancing research, knowledge and training in grain biology, variety development, innovative processing, health and nutritional sciences, and behavioural economics.
Australian Centre for Ancient DNA (ACAD)
Providing international standard facilities for ancient DNA research in Australia, and across the Southern Hemisphere.
Centre of Light for Life
Conducting transdisciplinary research to implement new imaging modalities which improve visualisation and understanding for the environment, biology and health.
Research Centre for Infectious Diseases (RCID)
Advancing research into the pathogenesis, treatment and prevention of infectious diseases.
Field stations
Fieldwork is a critical element which underpins world-class research and teaching within the School of Biological Sciences.

Higher degree by research opportunities
Be involved in biological sciences discovery, invention, and cutting-edge research through a higher degree by research. Join our Master of Philosophy or Doctor of Philosophy programs.