NUPP Workshops

Past workshops/conferences

NUPP researchers have a long history of holding and co-organising workshops and conferences, both primarily for local colleagues (within Australia) and on an international basis.

These provide an extremely valuable opportunity for NUPP researchers and students to interact with colleagues, discussing progress in their immediate fields, as well as in related areas such as high-performance computing.

Furthermore, this list of workshops and conferences serves as a vital record and history of the importance and influence of our researchers in the global realm of research into subatomic and particle physics.

  • 2024

    16th Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum conference (August 19 - 24, 2024)

    Location: Cairns Convention Centre

    LOC: A. Kizilersu (S. Santucci, E. Campbell, P. McGee)

    Program PDF

  • 2022

    Advances in Subatomic Physics 2022 (July 18th - 22nd)

    An opportunity for local, interstate and overseas staff and students to meet and discuss their work and recent developments.

    Location: Cairns Colonial Club Resort

    Program PDF

  • 2019

    24th International Conference on Computing in High-Energy and Nuclear Physics (November 4 - 8, 2019)

    Location: Adelaide Convention Centre

    LOC: P. Jackson, W. Kamleh, D. Leinweber, A. Thomas, M. White, A. Williams, R. Young, J. Zanotti


  • 2017

    QCD Downunder 2017 (July 10 - 14, 2017)

    The aim of this workshop is to bring together specialists in non-perturbative field theory as well as others working in the areas of hadron physics and related fields.

    Location: Novotel Cairns Oasis Resort


    • Hadron structure
    • Hadron spectroscopy
    • QCD aspects of flavour
    • Vacuum and confinement

    Program PDF

    General PDF

  • 2016

    • The International Nuclear Physics Conference 2016 (September 11 - 16, 2016)

      Location: Adelaide Convention Centre

    Program Monday  Program Tuesday  Program Wednesday  Program Thursday  Program Friday

    • New Directions in Subatomic Physics : Workshop in Honour of Tony Williams' 60th Birthday (March 7 - 10, 2016)

      Location: Room 121, Physics

    Program PDF

    General PDF

  • 2015

    LHP V | 5th International Workshop on Lattice Hadron Physics (July 20 - 24, 2015)

    Location: Cairns Colonial Club Resort

    LOC: D. Leinweber (CSSM), A. Thomas (CSSM/CoEPP), R. Young (CSSM/CoEPP), J. Zanotti (CSSM)



  • 2014

    Sixth Asia-Pacific Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics | APFB 2014 (April 7 - 11, 2014)

    Location: Hahndorf, South Australia


    Talk titles


  • 2013

    CSSM Summer School : Non-perturbative Methods in Quantum Field Theory (February 11 - 15, 2013)

    Location: Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre, Physics

    Lecturers: Jonathan Carroll (CSSM), Ian Cloët (CSSM, ANL), Hrayr Matevosyan (CoEPP), Craig Roberts (ANL), Ross Young (AdelU), James Zanotti (AdelU).

    Program PDF

  • 2012

    Asian Nuclear Physics Association Workshop and Board Meeting (August 3 – 4, 2012)

    Location: Room 121, Physics

    • General PDF

      QCDNA VII : The Seventh International Workshop on Lattice QCD and Numerical Analysis (July 4 - 6, 2012)

      Location: University of Adelaide

    • Program PDF

      LHP IV : The 4th International Workshop on Lattice Hadron Physics (July 2 - 4, 2012)

      Location: University of Adelaide

      Lattice 2012 : The 30th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (June 24 - 29, 2012)

      Location: Cairns Convention Centre

    • Program PDF

    • Poster list PDF

    • Plenary list PDF

    • Parallel sessions PDF

  • 2011

    8th Circum-Pan-Pacific Symposium on High-Energy Spin Physics: PacSPIN2011 (June 20 - 24, 2011)

    Location: Cairns Colonial Club Resort, Australia


    • Spin structure functions
    • Quark and gluon orbital angular momenta
    • GPDs
    • TMDs
    • Parity violation
    • Symmetry tests

    International Advisory Committee: A. W. Thomas, T.-A. Shibata, Kim Wooyoung, K. Imai, A. Deshpande, H.-Y. Cheng, T. Iwata, N. Horikawa, F. Wang, Z.-E. Meziani, B.-Q. Ma, A. Schafer, H. En'yo, Z.-T. Liang, S. Kumano

    Program PDF

  • 2010

    T(R)OPICAL QCD 2010 (September 26 - October 1, 2010)

    Location: Cairns, Queensland


    Ayse Kizilersu, Derek Leinweber, Anthony Thomas, Anthony Williams


    Wally Melnitchouk (JLab), Mike Pennington (Durham), Craig Roberts (ANL), Adam Szczepaniak (Indiana State), Peter Tandy (Kent State)

    Achievements and New Directions in Subatomic Physics: Workshop in Honour of Tony Thomas' 60th Birthday (February 15-19, 2010)

    Location: CSSM, Adelaide

    On the occasion of his 60th birthday, this workshop honours the outstanding achievements and service to subatomic physics which Tony Thomas has made over a career spanning almost 4 decades.
    The workshop will review recent results and discuss new directions for nuclear and hadron physics, focusing on topics to which Tony has made significant contributions, such as

    • pion-nucleon scattering
    • deep inelastic scattering
    • chiral extrapolations
    • quark models of the nucleon
    • lattice QCD

    Program PDF

    General PDF


  • 2008

    T(R)OPICAL QCD 2008 (July 27 - August 2, 2008)

    Location: Port Douglas, Queensland


    Ayse Kizilersu, Derek Leinweber, Lorenz von Smekal, Anthony Williams


    Reinhard Alkofer (Graz), Mike Pennington (Durham), Craig Roberts (ANL), Adam Szczepaniak (Indiana State), Peter Tandy (Kent State), Anthony Thomas (JLab)

  • 2006

    Workshop on QCD and the Strong Interactions (25 - 29 September, 2006)

    Joint Workshop of the Special Research Centre for the Subatomic Structure of Matter, and the National Institute for Theoretical Physics.

    Location: CSSM

    General PDF

  • 2005

    • Workshop on Light-Cone QCD and Non-perturbative Hadron Physics 2005 | LC2005 (July 7 - 15, 2005)

      Joint Workshop of the Special Research Centre for the Subatomic Structure of Matter and the National Institute for Theoretical Physics, in association with the International Light Cone Advisory Committee. Sponsored by Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility.

      Location: Cairns Colonial Club Resort, Cairns, Australia. 

      Organising Committee

      Derek Leinweber (Chair) (CSSM, Adelaide) 
      Stanley Brodsky (SLAC) 
      John Hiller (UMN, Duluth) 
      Craig Roberts (ANL) 
      Lorenz von Smekal (CSSM, Adelaide) 
      Tony Williams (CSSM, Adelaide) 


      Suggested topics include but are not limited to- 

      • Light-Front Quantization and Field Theory
      • Perturbative QCD and Phenomenology
      • Light-Front Wave functions and QCD
      • Lattice QCD
      • Transverse Lattice QCD
      • Confinement
      • Vacuum structure and chiral symmetry
      • Applications to Nuclear Physics
      • Low-x Physics
      • Dyson-Schwinger Equations
      • Hadron spectroscopy and structure
      • Effective Hamiltonians and Operator Methods
      • Light-Front Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics
      • Supersymmetry
      • Applications of AdS/CFT to QCD
      • Light-Front Methods for Matrix theory and String theory


    Program PDF


  • 2004

    QCD Down Under (10 - 13, and 15 - 19 March, 2004)

    Locations: Novotel Barossa Resort, and CSSM

    International Advisory Committee: Reinhardt Alkofer (Tubingen), Mike Penningtin (Durham), Craig Roberts (Chicago), Peter Tandy (Ohio).

    Organising Committee: A. Kizileersu, A.W. Thomas, A. G. Williams.


    • QFT with Non-Perturbative Methods
      • Schwinger-Dyson Equations
      • Lattice Gauge Theories
      • Light-Front Theory
    • Confinement and Deconfinement
    • Exotic Hadrons
    • Chiral Symmetry Breaking
    • QCD Vacuum Structures
      • Topological Configurations
      • Monopoles, Instantons, Dyons
      • Vortex Structure
      • Flux Tube Formation and QCD String
      • Duality and Strings
    • Renormalisation Group
    • Symmetries and Phase Transitions

    Program PDF

    Participants PDF

  • 2003

    Joint University of Adelaide-Tokyo University Workshop on Quarks, Astrophysics and Space Physics (January 6 - 10, 2003)

    Location: Tokyo, Japan.

    NUPP Summer School 2003 (January 20 - 24, 2003)

    Location: Apollon Motor Inn - Victor Harbor, South Australia

    General PDF

    Participants PDF

    NITP Summer School (January 28 - 31, 2003)

    Location: CSSM, Adelaide

    Workshop on Lattice Hadron Physics | LHP 2003 (July 22 - 30, 2003)

    Joint Workshop of the Special Research Centre for the Subatomic Structure of Matter, the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, and the National Institute for Theoretical Physics.

    Location:  Cairns Colonial Club Resort, Cairns, Australia.

    Organising Committee: Tony Williams (CSSM, Adelaide) (Chair), Alex Kalloniatis (CSSM, Adelaide) (Scientific Secretary), Robert Edwards (JLab, Newport News), Derek Leinweber (CSSM, Adelaide), Chris Michael (Liverpool, UK), John Negele (MIT, USA), David Richards (JLab, Newport News), Gerrit Schierholz (DESY-Zeuthen, Germany), Tony Thomas (CSSM, Adelaide).

    Program PDF

    General PDF

  • 2002

    Joint ECT-CSSM Workshop on The Structure of the Nucleon (2 - 11 September, 2002)

    European Centre for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics, Trento, Italy. 

    World Space Environment Forum (21 - 25 July, 2002)

    National Institute for Theoretical Physics (NITP) and the World Institute for Space Environment Research (WISER), Adelaide, Australia. 

    Joint Workshop on Physics at the Japanese Hadron Facility (JHF) (March 14 - 21, 2002)

    Collaboration between the CSSM, the NITP and the JHF, Adelaide, Australia.

    Location: CSSM, Adelaide


    • Strangeness in Nuclear Matter
    • Nuclear and Nucleon Structure Functions
    • Hadronic Properties of Matter
    • Neutrino Oscillations and Interactions
    International Advisory Committee LOC

    T. Hatsuda (U. Tokyo) 

    K. Imai (Kyoto) 

    G. Krein (IFT, Sao Paulo) 

    S. Nagamiya (JHF, Tokai) 

    M. Oka (Tokyo Inst. Tech.) 

    A.W. Thomas (CSSM, Adelaide) 

    H. Toki (RCNP, Osaka) 

    A.W. Thomas (CSSM, Adelaide)  

    A. Kizilersu (CSSM, Adelaide) 

    V. Guzey (CSSM, Adelaide) 

    I.R. Afnan (Flinders, Adelaide) 

    Program PDF

  • 2001

    The 3rd Circum-Pan-Pacific Symposium on "High-Energy Spin Physics" (October 8-13, 2001)

    Location: Beijing

    Organizing and Sponsoring Institutions:

    • Peking University
    • Chinese Physics Society
    • China Centre of Advanced Science and Technology (CCAST)
    • Beijing Institute of Modern Physics
    • National Science Foundation of China
    • Inst. of Theoretical Physics, Academia Sinica
    • CSSM, University of Adelaide, Australia
    • JLab, USA
    • RIKEN, Japan
    • Asia-Pacific Centre of Theoretical Physics

    Scientific topics

    • Spin in hard QCD processes 
    • Nucleon spin problem 
    • Structure functions of the nucleon 
    • Polarized parton distribution and fragmentation functions 
    • Structure functions on the lattice 
    • Small-x physics 
    • Higher twist effects 
    • Quarkonium and direct-photon production 
    • Polarized Drell-Yan process 
    • Spin experiments at RHIC 
    • Spin Experiments at JLab 
    • Polarized DIS experiments of HERMES at DESY, COMPASS at CERN, and SLAC 
    • New types of structure functions and distributions 
    • Parton distributions and fragmentation functions of hyperons 
    • The flavor content of the nucleon and hadrons

    General PDF

    Workshop on Lattice Hadron Physics (July 9-18, 2001)

    Joint Workshop of the Special Research Centre for the Subatomic Structure of Matter, the 
    Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, and the National Institute for Theoretical Physics.

    The topics covered at the workshop will be primarily focussed on lattice QCD, although other aspects of non-perturbative field theory, quark model phenomenology, and experimental physics will be expected to play a role. There is no restriction on the topics within lattice QCD itself, although as the workshop title suggests some emphasis on applications of the lattice to hadron physics is expected. 

    Location:  Rihga Colonial Club Resort, Cairns.

    Program PDF

    Participants PDF

    Workshop on Hamiltonian Lattice Gauge Theories (17-20, April 2001)

    Joint Workshop of the Special Research Centre for the Subatomic Structure of Matter, The University of New South Wales, and the National Institute for Theoretical Physics.

    Program/general PDF

    Workshop on Lepton Scattering, Hadrons and QCD (March 26th-April 6th, 2001)

    Joint Workshop of the Special Research Centre for the Subatomic Structure of Matter and the National Institute for Theoretical Physics.

    Location: CSSM, Level 4, 10 Pulteney Street, Adelaide.


    • Deep Inelastic Scattering: spin, model connections, nuclear effects 
    • Electromagnetic probes of hadrons, Form Factors 
    • Quark-Hadron Duality 
    • Non-perturbative QCD, Hadron Models
    • Exotics

    Organizing Committee:

    Wally Melnitchouk (Adelaide/Jefferson Lab) 
    Andreas Schreiber (Adelaide) 
    Peter Tandy (Kent State) 
    Anthony Thomas (Adelaide) 

    Invited Speakers:

    Reinhard Alkofer (Tübingen) 
    Mauro Anselmino (Turin) 
    Enrique Arriola (Granada, Spain) 
    Wolfgang Bentz (Tokai U., Japan) 
    Matthias Burkardt (NMSU, Las Cruces) 
    Steve Cotanch (NSCU, Raleigh) 
    Malcolm Derrick (Argonne) 
    Rolf Ent (JLab) 
    Javier Gomez (JLab) 
    Jiro Kodaira (Hiroshima) 
    Derek Leinweber (Adelaide) 
    Garry Levman (Toronto) 
    Simonetta Liuti (Charlottesville, Virginia) 
    Tim Londergan (IU, Bloomington)

    Jim Napolitano (RPI) 
    Makis Petratos (Kent State) 
    Craig Roberts (Argonne) 
    Gerrit Schierholz (DESY) 
    Adam Szczepaniak (IU, Bloomington) 
    Raju Venugopalan (BNL) 
    Anthony Williams (Adelaide)

    Program PDF

    Abstracts PDF

  • 2000

    Mini-workshop on New Developments in Lattice Gauge Theory (April 4 - 5, 2000) 

    Joint Workshop of the Special Research Center for the Subatomic Structure of Matter, National Institute for Theoretical Physics, and the The Institute for Geometry and its Applications.

    Location: Special Research Center for the Subatomic Structure of Matter, Level 4, 10 Pulteney Street, Adelaide.

    Invited Speakers:

    • Prof. Kazuo Fujikawa
      (University of Tokyo)
    • Prof. Ting-Wai Chiu
      (National Taiwan University)
    • Dr. Urs Heller
      (CSIT, Florida State University)

    Abstracts PDF


    3rd International Symposium on Symmetries in Subatomic Physics (13-17 March, 2000)

    Location: Adelaide Hilton Hotel, Victoria Square, Adelaide.

    International Conference on Quark Nuclear Physics (21-25 February, 2000)

    Location: Adelaide Hilton Hotel, Victoria Square, Adelaide.

    Program: The full scientific program including details of parallel sessions will be available in February. For the present we show just those plenary speakers who have indicated that they will participate. Several plenary spots are being held for important new developments:

    • Hadronic Properties from Lattice QCD (K. Kanaya)
    • Connections between Lattice QCD and Hadron Phenomenology (A. Williams)
    • Experimental evidence for hadroproduction of mesons with exotic quantum numbers (G. Adams)
    • The Strangeness Form Factors of the nucleon (D. Beck)
    • Latest results from Mainz (T. Walcher)
    • Experimental Information on Matter under Extreme Conditions (B. Jacak)
    • QCD at High Density and Temperature (K. Rajagopal)
    • Experimental Studies of Deeply Bound Meson Nucleus States (R. Hayano)
    • Threshold meson production with electromagnetic and hadronic probes (H. Stroeher)
    • Recent Results from HERA (D. Wegener)
    • Theoretical Issues in Deep Inelastic Scattering (E. Reya)
    • The Spin Structure of the Nucleon (R. Milner)
    • Recent results from Jefferson Laboratory (E. Smith)
    • Nuclear Deep Inelastic Scattering (W. Weise)
    • Quark Models of Nuclear Systems (P. Guichon)
    • Latest results on colour transparency - EVA (S. Heppelmann)
    • Effective Field Theories for Strongly Interacting Systems (U. van Kolck)
    • Pion-Baryon Interactions (G. Wagner)
    • Effects of Channel Coupling in Hadron Spectroscopy (J. Speth)
    • Hadronic Physics with Photon Beams (T. Nakano)
    • Confinement and Chiral Symmetry Breaking (H. Toki)
    • Glueballs in the Crystal Barrel (C. Meyer)

    The proceedings of the conference, including all plenary talks and selected contributed papers, will be published by Nuclear Physics.

    Program PDF

    Committees PDF


    Hadronic Physics with Photon Beams (February 16 - 18, 2000) 

    Joint Workshop of the Special Research Center for the Subatomic Structure of Matter
    and the National Institute for Theoretical Physics at the University of Adelaide, with the
    University of Indiana, and the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility.

    Location: Special Research Center for the Subatomic Structure of Matter, Level 4, 10 Pulteney Street, Adelaide.

    This workshop will focus on the exciting physics opportunities available with high-quality photon beams in the energy range from 6 to 12 GeV, in particular the search for unusual mesons and gluonic excitations as outlined in the Jefferson Lab Hall D proposal.

    Organizing Committee:

    A.R. Dzierba (Indiana)
    K. Helbing (Erlangen)
    J.T. Londergan (Indiana)
    J.M. Laget (Saclay)
    C. Meyer (Carnegie Mellon)
    E. Smith (Jefferson Lab)
    A. Szczepaniak (Indiana)
    A.W. Thomas (Adelaide)
    H. Toki (Osaka)
    A.G. Williams (Adelaide)

    Scientific Secretary:

    W. Melnitchouk
    (Adelaide/Jefferson Lab)

    Participants PDF


  • 1999

    Workshop on Light-Cone QCD and Non-perturbative Hadron Physics (13 - 22, December 1999)

    Joint Workshop of the Special Research Center for the Subatomic Structure of Matter and the National Institute for Theoretical Physics.

    Location: The National Institute for Theoretical Physics (NITP) and the Special Research Centre for the Subatomic Structure of Matter (CSSM) are located at Level 4, 10 Pulteney Street, Adelaide.

    Suggested topics include but are not limited to:

    • Light cone field theory
    • Perturbative QCD and phenomenology
    • Lattice QCD
    • Confinement
    • Vacuum structure and chiral symmetry
    • Nuclear Physics
    • Low x physics
    • Dyson-Schwinger equations
    • Hadron spectroscopy and structure
    • Effective Hamiltonians

    and depending on interest may include talks on

    • Supersymmetry
    • Matrix theory and string theory.

    Organizing Committee:

    Lloyd Hollenberg (Heidelberg/Melbourne)
    Bruce McKellar (Melbourne)
    Anthony Williams (Adelaide)

    Scientific Secretary:

    Andreas Schreiber (Adelaide)

    International Light Cone Advisory
    Committee (ILCAC):

    Antonio Bassetto (INFN, Padova)
    Stan Brodsky (SLAC)
    Matthias Burkardt (New Mexico)
    Simon Dalley (CERN)
    Yitzhak Frishman (Rehovot, Israel)
    Stanislaw Glazek (Warsaw)
    John Hiller (Duluth, Minnesota)
    Chueng-Ryong Ji (North Carolina)
    Marek Karliner (Tel Aviv)
    Lev Lipatov (St. Petersburg)
    Gary McCartor (Dallas)
    Gerald Miller (Washington)
    Hans-Christian Pauli (Heidelberg)
    Steve Pinsky (Ohio)
    James Vary (Iowa)
    Anthony Williams (Adelaide)
    Ernst Werner (Regensburg)


    Program PDF

    Abstracts PDF

    Participants PDF

  • 1998

    Workshop on Lattice QCD (December 7 - 18, 1998 )

    Joint Workshop of the Special Research Center for the Subatomic Structure of Matter and the National Institute for Theoretical Physics.

    The National Institute for Theoretical Physics (NITP) and the Special Research Centre for the Subatomic Structure of Matter (CSSM) are located at 4/10 Pulteney Street, Adelaide.

    Suggested topics include but are not limited to:

    • Improved Actions
    • Renormalization
    • Algorithms
    • QCD Spectrum
    • Quark Masses
    • Topology and Confinement
    • Electroweak Interactions
    • Heavy Quark Physics
    • QCD at Finite Temperature and Density
    • Chiral Gauge Theories
    • Chiral Perturbation Theory
    • Machines

    Program PDF

    Abstracts PDF

    Workshop on CP Violation (July 3 - 8, 1998)

    Joint Workshop of the The Special Research Center for the Subatomic Structure of Matter,
    National Institute for Theoretical Physics, and AUSHEP (Australian Institute for High-Energy Physics).

    Location: The National Institute for Theoretical Physics and 
    Special Research Centre for the Subatomic Structure of Matter, 
    University of Adelaide.

    Topics: The main topic of the workshop is the possibilities for enhancing our understanding of CP violation which will be made available with the new B-factories which are about to come into operation around the world. 

    Program PDF

    Participants PDF

    Workshop on Future Directions in Quark Nuclear Physics (March 9 - 20, 1998)

    Joint Workshop of the National Institute for Theoretical Physics, The Special Research Center for the Subatomic Structure of Matter, Forschungszentrum Jülich (KFA), Indiana University, and the RCNP Osaka University.

    Location: The National Institute for Theoretical Physics and Special Research Centre for the Subatomic Structure of Matter, University of Adelaide.

    Topics: The main topic of the workshop is the transition from traditional quark to hadronic degrees of freedom, both from the theoretical perspective as a function of energy and momentum transfer, density and temperature and from the experimental perspective of current and possible future facilities.


    S. J. Brodsky (SLAC)
    J. Cameron (IUCF)
    M. Ericson (Lyon)
    T. E. O. Ericson (CERN)
    V. Goghia (Osaka)
    D. Grzonka (Juelich)
    J. Haidenbauer (Juelich)
    B. Holstein (Massachusetts)
    A. Hosaka (Numazu)
    H. Ichie (Osaka)
    T. Inoue (Tokyo)
    W. Jacobs (Indiana)
    X. Ji (Maryland)
    B. Kopeliovich (Heidelberg)
    G. Krein (Sao Paulo)
    W. Kuehn (Giessen)
    D. Leinweber (Adelaide)
    J. T. Londergan (Indiana)
    J. S. McCarthy (Virginia)
    U. Meissner (Juelich)
    W. Melnitchouk (Juelich)
    J. Sowinski (Indiana)
    J. Speth (Juelich)
    H. Suganuma (Osaka)
    A. Szczepaniak (Indiana)
    P. C. Tandy (Kent State)
    A. W. Thomas (Adelaide)
    H. Toki (Osaka)
    S. Vigdor (Indiana)
    A. G. Williams (Adelaide)

    Program PDF

    Abstracts PDF

    Workshop on Non-perturbative Methods in Quantum Field Theory (February 2 - February 13, 1998 )

    Joint Workshop of the National Institute for Theoretical Physics and the
    Special Research Center for the Subatomic Structure of Matter.

    Location: The National Institute for Theoretical Physics (NITP) and Special Research Centre for the Subatomic Structure of Matter (CSSM) are located at 10 Pulteney Street, Adelaide, South Australia.

    Topics: Topics to be covered at the meeting include but are not limited to: Lattice methods, Dyson-Schwinger equations, Chiral Perturbation Theory and QCD Sum Rules. 

    Participants include:

    D. Atkinson (Groningen)
    M. Creutz (Brookhaven)
    R. Delbourgo (Hobart)
    H. Leutwyler (Berne)
    P. Maris (Argonne)
    B. H. J. McKellar (Melbourne)
    V. A. Miransky (Kiev)
    M. R. Pennington (Durham)
    C. D. Roberts (Argonne)
    D. Sinclair (Argonne)

    Program PDF

    Abstracts PDF

  • 1997

    Workshop on Scientific Parallel Computing (October 14, 1997)

    Joint Workshop of the Special Research Center for the Subatomic Structure of Matter, National Institute for Theoretical Physics, and the Cooperative Research Centre for Advanced Computational Systems (ACSys) Distributed High-Performance Computing (DHPC).

    Location: The National Institute for Theoretical Physics and Special Research Centre for the Subatomic Structure of Matter, University of Adelaide.

    Purpose: This workshop will provide an introduction to parallel methods for scientific computing. It is the first workshop of the new collaborative effort between the DHPC Division of ACSys and the CSSM.

    Program/general PDF

    Workshop on Symmetries in the Strong Interaction (April 14-25, 1997)

    Joint Workshop of the National Institute for Theoretical Physics and the Special Research Center for the Subatomic Structure of Matter.

    Location: The National Institute for Theoretical Physics, Level 4, The Capita Building, 10 Pulteney Street, Adelaide, South Australia.

    Purpose: This is meant to be a true workshop in the sense that sufficient time will be made available each day for discussions which may develop into collaborative projects. There will be no more than 3 talks each morning and the afternoon will be left free for discussions and collaborations. The working facilities, especially the computing resources, are excellent.

    Program PDF

    Topical Workshop on Hadrons in Dense Matter (March 10-28, 1997)

    Location: The Special Research Centre for the Subatomic Structure of Matter, Level 4, 10 Pulteney Street, Adelaide, South Australia

    Purpose: This is meant to be a true workshop in the sense that sufficient time will be made available each day for discussions which may develop into collaborative projects. In fact, there should usually be no more than two lectures per day. The aim is to bring together many of the key researchers actively exploring how the properties of hadrons may change in dense matter and how one might test these predictions. At present we expect the following overseas participants:

    M. Birse (Manchester) 
    R. Brockmann (Mainz) 
    G. Brown (Stony Brook) 
    M. Ericson (Lyon/CERN) 
    T. Ericson (CERN) 
    P. Guichon (Saclay) 
    T. Hatsuda (Tsukuba) 
    G. Lolos (Regina) 

    Program PDF

Page author : Dr. Padric McGee