HDR research projects and scholarships

Delve deeper into the current scholarship opportunities available for existing and future students to complete HDR projects within our school.

In addition to the broader scholarship opportunities offered by the University, researchers and research teams in the school have a number of specific opportunities available to prospective students. These scholarship opportunities include top-up funding, full scholarships, or a combination of the two, and are best accessed by contacting the researcher listed beside the project.

Research projects and scholarship opportunities   

Title of project Contact Scholarship type
PhD scholarships funded under the ARC Industry Laureate: “Breaking through the manufacturing ‘glass ceiling’ for ultra-high-purity ZBLAN glass optical fibres” and ARC Linkage Project: “Ultra-low-loss fluoride glass optical fibres for the future global network” (8 opportunities available) Professor Heike Ebendorff-Heidepriem Full scholarship(s)
Past trends and future risk of climate extremes in southern Australia (2 opportunities available) Associate Professor Jonathan Tyler Full scholarship(s)
Heavy Industry Low-Carbon Transition CRC funded PhD scholarship Dr Rachelle Kernen

Full scholarship

Harnessing dynamic materials to produce better heterogeneous catalysts Dr Jack Evans Full scholarship
Novel isotope technique to explore Centralian Superbasin Dr Juraj Farkas Full scholarship
NSF Global Centre funded PhD Scholarship Professor Gregory Metha Full scholarship
Enzyme-Porous Material Composites for Decontamination Applications Professor Christopher Sumby Full scholarship + top-up
In situ geochronology to investigate crustal evolution Associate Professor Stijn Glorie Full scholarship

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