Earth Sciences Seminars - 2022
- Date: Tue, 1 Feb, 3:00 pm - Thu, 1 Dec 2022, 4:00 pm
- Location: Mawson Lecture Theatre, Mawson building or via Zoom
- Cost: FREE
Researchers from the Department of Earth Sciences host regular seminars to facilitate a collaborative approach which applies cutting-edge methods to issues vital to sustaining our way of life on this planet.
Academics and students from collaborative institutions are also invited to share their research and knowledge when visiting our department and school.
The seminars are open to the public, industry, researchers from other departments, schools and universities, and to current and past students.

Join us
- Location: Online via Zoom or Mawson Lecture Theatre - Mawson building | Map
- Date/time: Fridays 3pm to 4pm, unless otherwise noted
- To subscribe to the weekly seminars and to obtain the Zoom link, please fill in the Seminar RSVP.
Contact us
Contact name: Dr Alexander Francke Contact number: 8313 0894 Email: |
Contact name: Dr Jessica Walsh Contact number: 8313 5934 Email: |
What's on
Date | Speaker | Presentation |
Friday 4 March |
HDR Showcase #1 |
Presentations by: Cecilia Loyola, Zara Woolston, Osama Alzubaidi |
Friday |
Dr Katharina Merkel |
Fruit Fly Management and the Role of Stable Isotopes |
Friday 18 March |
HDR Showcase #2 | Presentations by: Kym Edwards |
Friday 25 March |
Timothy Jones University of Adelaide |
Lithospheric Recycling: Influence on Mantle Structure and Composition |
Friday 1 April |
Dr Lucy McGee University of Adelaide |
What can active volcanic systems tell us about metal transport processes? A Cu isotope study from the Caribbean |
Friday 8 April |
Assoc Prof John Tibby |
Hiding in plain sight: Mid-Holocene aridity on K'gari (Fraser Island, south-east Queensland) and implications for understanding palaeoclimate |
Fri 29 April | HDR Showcase #3 | Presentation by: Samantha March |
Fri 6 May | Stefan Loehr University of Adelaide |
Continental arc volcanism as a driver for massive organic carbon burial during Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 |
Fri 13 May | Canceled | |
Fri 20 May | Jess Stromberg CSIRO |
Sniffs of an Archean sediment-hosted copper system in the world’s oldest lake (and other insights from new drilling in an old terrane) |
Fri 27 May | Graham Heinson University of Adelaide |
What is the Curnamona Cube? |
Fri 3 June | Nicholas Christie-Blick and Sarah Giles Columbia University, New York |
Taking Stock of the Wonoka Canyons and Related Phenomena |
Fri 10 June | HDR Showcase #4 | Presentations by: Darren Ray and Andrew Chua |
Fri 29 July | Anita Parbhakar-Fox | The critical importance of knowing your waste - an Australian perspective |
Fri 5 August | Jarred Lloyd | Geochronology, Provenance, and Tectonic Evolution of the Adelaide Superbasin: From the Adelaide Geosyncline to the Adelaide See powerpoint slides |
Fri 12 August | Angus Nixon | Low-temperature thermal evolution of the McArthur Basin and adjacent Proterozoic orogens |
Fri 19 August | Anna Florin | The role of plants in early human movements in Island Southeast Asia, New Guinea and Australia |
Fri 26 August | Frances Williams | Explosive caldera volcanoes in the Ethiopian Rift Valley: their characteristics, evolution and human implications. |
Fri 2 September | Rachelle Kernen |
Energy, Salt, and the Flinders Ranges: Research Gaps and Opportunities |
Fri 9 September | Canceled | |
Fri 16 September | Canceled | |
Fri 7 October | Ioan Sanislav | Redefining the geology and metallogeny of Mount Isa Inlier with implications for exploration in undercover areas |
Fri 14 October | Jo Whelan | A curious case of fayalite-bearing granites: an example from the Arnhem Province, Northern Territory |
Fri 21 October | Canceled | |
Fri 28 October | Stacey Priestley | Hydrochemistry—revealing the secrets of our hidden groundwater resources! |
Fri 4 November | HDR Showcase #5 | Presentations by: Alejandra Bedoya Mejia and Melissa Kharkongor |