Differential Geometry Seminars 2025

Visitors of the Institute for Geometry and its Applications and researchers from the School of Computer and Mathematical Sciences present cutting-edge research in geometry and other areas of pure mathematics.

Date Speaker Presentation

4 March 2025
11:10 am
Engineering & Math EMG06

Stephan Tillmann
University of Sydney

Computing shortest curves on surfaces

The task at hand is to compute a shortest loop that cannot be contracted to
a point on a surface. This is a classical problem that has been studied in
different contexts, and which enjoys practical applications.
In the setting of hyperbolic and convex projective geometry, I will
describe a simple algorithm to compute the three shortest curves on a
once-punctured torus and explain why it works. The algorithm uses an
attractive interplay between algebra and geometry -- it is what Jane Gilman
coined a "non-Euclidean Euclidean algorithm". This is joint work with
Sepher Saryazdi.

21 March 2025
12:10 pm
Napier 108

John Huerta
University of Lisbon/ANU


Note: John will also give an introductory talk on 20 March 2025, 11:10 am in Lower Napier LG28

2 May 2025
12:10 pm
Napier 108

Thorsten Hertl
University of Melbourne


Note: Thorsten will also give an introductory talk on Thursday 1 May 2025, 11:10 am in Lower Napier LG28

School of Computer and Mathematical Sciences

Tagged in Mathematical Sciences, Research seminar