Time to celebrate: Scientists win award for the world’s most precise clock

Time to celebrate: Scientists win award for the world’s most precise clock

A University of Adelaide team of scientists has won one of the prestigious Eureka Prizes for science for the development of the world’s most precise clock.

The team won the Defence Science and Technology Prize for Outstanding Science in Safeguarding Australia.

The Cryogenic Sapphire Oscillator, otherwise known as the Sapphire Clock, is the result of more than two decades of pioneering research and is 1000 times more precise than any other commercial system; it is so precise it gains or loses only one second over 40 million years.

Developed by the University’s Institute for Photonics and Advanced Sensing, and start-up company Cryoclock Pty Ltd, the Sapphire Clock generates an incredibly pure ultra-low noise signal.

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Tagged in Research, Physics, School of Physical Sciences, Institute for Photonics and Advanced Sensing - IPAS, Awards