Grape marc meal effect on digestive tract health of greenlip abalone

The goal of this aquaculture project is to understand the effect of dietary inclusions of grape marc meal on the digestive tract health of greenlip abalone.

A previous study run in our lab has identified that abalone fed dietary steam distilled grape marc meal inclusions (5-20%) exhibited superior growth compared to a basal diet (0% grape marc meal).

Steam distilled grape marc meal from TARAC technologies is commercially available, which is significantly cheaper than the energy ingredients used in current commercial diets, making this a highly promising alternative ingredient.

However, the effect of feed diets that contain inclusions of distilled grape marc meal on the gastrointestinal morphology of greenlip abalone is unknown.

Key methodology:

  • Based on this previous study, steam distilled grape marc meal will be validated in an on-farm trial before results are taken up by industry.
  • Three diets will be tested on farm that contain different levels of distilled grape marc meal. The experiment will run for ~6 months.
  • At the conclusion of the study, four abalone per tank will be sampled and fixed in 10% seawater formalin, before samples are sectioned and stained to determine the effect of dietary inclusions of grape marc meal on the digestive tract health of greenlip abalone.

Funding for sample analysis is provided by SARDI. Samples will be collected from a larger industry funded project.


Tagged in Honours projects - Animal science, Honours in Animal Science subtheme - Animal and veterinary bioscience, Honours projects - David Stone, Honours projects - Gordon Howarth