Small Field Dosimetry with Beryllium Oxide Ceramic Fibre Optic Dosimeters


Dosimetry - image courtesy Michael Douglass

Radiation dose measurements in small fields is a challenging task for many detectors.

Current practise generally requires the use of commercial radiation detectors with applied correction factors to account for their change in response when applied to small fields. Beryllium oxide (BeO) ceramics have an effective atomic number, zeff ~7.1, closely matched to water, zeff ~7.4. Therefore it is expected that there is little energy dependence and along with their small size, they may be a useful small field dosimeter with little to no correction factors necessary.

This project will involve Monte-Carlo simulations of the beryllium oxide (BeO) ceramic dosimeter to determine the expected dose deposition when exposed to small fields. Experimental measurements will then be performed at the Royal Adelaide Hospital and compared to other dosimetry systems.

Dr Alex Santos


Alex Santos

Research area: Medical physics

Recommended honours enrolment: Honours in Physics

Tagged in Honours projects - Physics, Honours Projects - Alex Santos, Honours Projects - Michael Douglass, Honours in Physics subtheme - Medical physics