A letter to my Year 12 self – Sophie Dolling
So you’ve just finished Year 12, congratulations! Now comes a new - and slightly daunting - chapter in your life: university.
"If I were to have my time again there are a few things I wish I knew…" writes University of Adelaide marine biology student Sophie Dolling.
Firstly, trust your gut! If you start a degree and figure out it’s not working for you, there is absolutely no shame in changing your mind.
You’re only a teenager after all and that is a very young age to be deciding what you’re going to do with your life.
If you need guidance in possibly changing degrees or career paths, the university has some awesome people around to help you like faculty and career advisers.

Secondly, remember everyone is in the same boat. You may not have any friends from high school in your classes but there will be many others who are in the same situation as you.
Try and make some new connections whilst at Uni by chatting to people in classes or exploring the hundreds of clubs on campus. If you have a hobby or an interest, it is likely that there will be a club for you - including a chicken nugget appreciation society!
Lastly and probably one of the most important pieces of advice I can give you is to 'ask for help'. Ask questions. Meet with your lecturers - they have office hours for a reason!
Use the Uni help services. This could be the maths learning centre for any of your mathematics needs; the writing centre to help with essay structures or any other writing issues; the library to learn research and referencing techniques or any number of the subject specific help services that are available.
There is so much coursework help available on campus, you just have to get out there and ask. Everyone uses them so there is absolutely no shame in asking for help.
Remember that uni isn’t only about learning the skills you need for a career. It is a time to understand what your interests are, make connections with other likeminded people and have a great time while doing it!
Good luck!
Sophie x