Colloidal-nano transport in porous media: Research Seminar with Prof Pavel Bedrikovetski
- Date: Fri, 4 Oct 2019, 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
- Location: Napier G04 Lecture Theatre
- Cost: Free
- Contact: Kenneth Davey
- Professor Pavel Bedrikovetski Presenter
Colloidal-nano transport in porous media: Laboratory and multi-scale physics and technologies.
The applications of colloid-suspension and nano-flows in rocks is important to numerous areas of chemical, environmental, agriculture and energy, engineering. The main features of these processes include particle capture by the rock, detachment of the fines, mobilization, straining, and; consequent permeability decline and well-clogging.
Decision-making in colloidal-nano processes involves:
- Laboratory studies in visualization-cells in artificially-engineered and natural-reservoir cores
- Matching of laboratory data by mathematical modelling and tuning of model coefficients
- Scaling-up from pores to cores and reservoirs
- Laboratory-based prediction of reservoir behavior
- Management / optimization of technologies.
Recent developments include laboratory findings of the cluster-state of attached particles, mathematical models for cluster detachment, up-scaled equations for colloidal-nano transport, analytical model for transport of multi-sized particles, and; non-monotonic retention profiles during flows. These results lead to understanding of fines detachment and mobilization, explicit analytical formulae for prediction of colloidal-nano behavior, and; to the interpretation of laboratory-observed paradoxes.
Ready applications include:
- Optimal regimes for exploitation of artesian and oil-wells with implementation in Gulf-of-Mexico oilfield (USA), and
- Design of well acidizing and re-perforation.
However, there are several shortcomings with these mathematical models, together with a poor understanding of experimental results. These shortcomings will be discussed.
About the speaker

Professor Pavel Bedrikovetski is Professor of Petroleum Engineering at The University of Adelaide, Australian School of Petroleum.
He has authored a number of seminal books on porous media - and has published some 250 technical papers in refereed journals. He holds MSc in Applied Mathematics, a PhD in Fluid Mechanics, and DSc in Reservoir Engineering from Moscow Gubkin Oil-Gas University.
Pavel was a Visiting Professor at Delft University of Technology, Denmark Technical University, and Imperial College of Science and Technology, UK. He has some 40-years industrial experience covering Russia, Europe, Brazil and Australia. Pavel is the 2008-2009 and 2016-2017 Society of Petroleum Engineers, Distinguished Lecturer.