Webinar: Hydrogen Energy Systems - avoiding the hype


The Joint Chemical Engineering Committee (JCEC) will be discussing the CSIRO “National Hydrogen Roadmap”. 

Launched in August 2018, it outlined how there is vast potential for a new industry in hydrogen, building on our national technological advantages, export capabilities and strong relationships with key international energy markets.

Since then there have been a number of demonstration projects and studies funded by Federal and State governments which have exacerbated the hype around hydrogen energy systems without due consideration for the social licence required to grow this nascent industry that asks a drought stricken country to provide water as feedstock.

This webinar will review some of the key lessons learned to date through development of lighthouse hydrogen projects in Australia and Europe which are distilled into a four step process that will help future project proponents to ensure social, environmental and economic parameters are all duly considered thus avoiding the hype that has seen unnecessary waste of public funds on unsustainable hydrogen demonstration projects to date.

About the speaker

Dr Neil Thompson ADEE MBA PhD MIMC MAICD started his career in the Australian power generation industry as a cadet electrical engineer before moving to corporate Japan to work in the radiation processing industry using high efficiency ultraviolet and electron beam technology.

He has recently joined the University of Queensland’s advisory Board for their Master of Sustainable Energy course and is a regular guest speaker on ABC regional radio discussing how hydrogen energy systems may help to solve energy and water problems in agribusiness.

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