Virtual 2021 HyPT-2 Forum
- Date: Tue, 14 - Thu, 16 Sep 2021
- Location: Online via Zoom
- Cost: AU$110 | Student price: AU$55
- Contact: Centre for Energy Technology
The Centre for Energy Technology at the Institute for Mineral and Energy Resources invites you to attend the second International Forum on Hydrogen Production Technologies (HyPT-2).
Building on the very successful Hydrogen Production Technologies (HyPT) Forum held in 2019, HyPT-2 will continue to explore, in depth, a range of current and emerging zero carbon emission (CO2-free) hydrogen production technologies.
HyPT-2 will bring together leading thinkers in industry and research to discuss the merits of alternative CO2-free hydrogen technologies, in topics such as:
- large-scale commercial electrolysers - limitations and future prospects
- emerging electrolysis technology
- hydrogen from natural gas
- themochemical processes
- hydrogen from bioresources and waste
- photo-electrochemical (PEC) and photocatalysis (PC).