38th Annual Conference of the Society of Architectural Historians Australia and New Zealand (SAHANZ)
- Date: Wed, 10 - Sat, 13 Nov 2021
- Location: Multiple locations in Adelaide - see website for more info
- Cost: The registration fee is AUD $150 for conference participation and access ($136.36 + GST). The reduced student registration fee is AUD $100 ($90.91 + GST). Online and In Person options are available
- Contact: Dr David Kroll, Senior Lecturer, School of Architecture and Built Environment, Faculty of Engineering, Computer and Mathematical Sciences adelaide@sahanz2021.com
If you are interested in the polarities of architectural discourse, as well as the spectrum of positions between, this conference will stoke your curiosity and invite you to share your perspectives.

Operating as both a polemic and a call for insightful new inquiry into the discipline through which we think, this conference - Ultra: Positions and Polarities Beyond Crisis - invites participants to reflect upon the polarities of architectural discourse as well as the spectrum of positions between these.
What are the implications of crises, past and present, in framing (or re-framing) the critical perspectives that architectural historiography may offer beyond such moments of confusion and/or extraordinary conviction? The conference seeks broad ranging responses to this question and its theme that will reflect on-going work in several established and developing areas of current SAHANZ scholarship.
Round Table discussions responding to the Conference provocation are aimed at facilitating future collaborations and publications.
Zoom links are available for those unable to attend sessions in person.
The program and event details are now available on the conference website, where you can also register: https://www.sahanz2021.com/