Visiting Researcher Seminar: A/Prof David Nogués-Bravo
- Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2019, 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
- Location: Benham Lecture Theatre, Benham building, North Terrace campus
- Cost: FREE
- Contact: The Environmental Institute 08 8313 0543
- Email:
'Macrogenetics: amplifying the phylogeography of genes in a changing world'
Future global scenarios offer a gloomy picture on the fate of biodiversity, but they focus mainly at the species level. However, our knowledge of the magnitude of erosion of global genetic diversity, due to past and current anthropogenic impacts, is at best fragmented, even though it represents the most basic level of biodiversity.
New data and approaches for quantifying the distribution of genetic diversity and genetic adaptation to large-scale impacts of global environmental change are converging into an incipient research field: macrogenetics.
This talk will present on-going research on:
- Global patterns of genetic and genomic diversity in vertebrates across time and space
- How past biodiversity dynamics can be used to provide tested biodiversity scenarios, with a special emphasis on fossil, genomic and paleoclimatic approaches and data.
About the presenter

The Environmental Institute is proud to be supporting Associate Professor David Nogués-Bravo from the University of Copenhagen over the coming months.
David is a physical geographer and Associate Professor in Historical Biogeography at the Centre for Macroecology, Evolution and Climate and GLOBE Institute, Faculty of Health, University of Copenhagen.
His research crosses the borders of biogeography, climatology and global change biology, with a special emphasis on using past biodiversity dynamics to better forecast the future fate of global biodiversity.
David is editor for Ecological Monographs, Ecology, Ecography and Vice-President of the International Biogeography Society.