Physics Seminars - 2020
- Date: Fri, 28, 4:00 pm - Mon, 31 Aug 2020, 5:00 pm
- Location: Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre - Physics Building
- Cost: FREE
- Contact: Associate Professor Martin White 08 8313 0624
- Email:
Researchers from the Department of Physics host regular seminars to showcase their work on cutting-edge global physics projects.
Academics and students from collaborative institutions are also invited to share their research and knowledge when visiting our department and school.
The seminars are open to the public, industry, researchers from other departments, schools and universities, and to current and past students.

Seminar schedule - Department of Physics
- Location: Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre - Physics Building | Map
- Time: Friday 4:00 - 5:00pm (unless otherwise stated)
Date | Speaker | Presentation |
Friday |
Dr Daniel Sigg |
LIGO: The current observation run and future upgrades |
Friday August 28 |
Dr Don Koks DSTG, Adelaide |
Synchronising Tomorrow's Accurate Clocks: Lessons from Relativity |