Sprigg lecture series: Dr Susan Hazel - Bringing out the best in the human-dog bond
- Date: Tue, 4 Feb 2020, 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
- Location: South Australian Museum
- Cost: FREE
- Contact: Susan Hazel 08 8313 7828
- Email: susan.hazel@adelaide.edu.au

Dr Susan Hazel, School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences at the University of Adelaide will address the dog-human relationship, how it works from the behaviour perspective and how we can further improve both human and dog welfare relating to the bond.
Susan teaches animal behaviour, welfare and ethics into the animal and veterinary science programs at the University of Adelaide.
Susan has extensive community engagement through being a Board Member of the Dog & Cat Management Board of South Australia, and also on the South Australian Animal Welfare Advisory Committee. She also engages internationally through the Animal Welfare Guidelines group of the World Small Animal Veterinary Association.
Susan’s research interests include animal behaviour, relinquishment of pets, and public health implications of animal management (including dog attacks). Since 2007 Susan has supervised over 20 Honours students and 4 PhD students. Susan has extensive professional experience in veterinary clinical practice and medical and animal research in the UK, Sweden and Sydney.