Agricultural Science
The University of Adelaide is home to the largest concentration of agricultural education and research expertise in the southern hemisphere.
Our researchers discover and develop science solutions to address major agriculture and horticultural challenges, while we educate the next generation of agricultural scientists by linking world leading research to well understood theory.

We use new technologies and big data to improve agricultural decision making and champion research that delivers better crops and improved farming systems.
Our knowledge and expertise enables farmers and industry to adapt to drought and climate change better; ensure sustainable improvement of crop yield and quality; and overcome problems such as salinity, soil toxicities and nutrient limitations.
Undergraduate and honours
Our students have access to the latest knowledge in all areas of agricultural research as our scientists are strongly connected with our educational programs.
Our Bachelor of Agricultural Sciences graduates become well-rounded agriculture experts with diverse skillsets – from sustainable practices through to innovative technology and emerging trends like decision agriculture, vertical farming and crop sensors. We offer at least 450 hours of real-world internship experience. We teach at our working farm at Roseworthy and organise field trips across Australia and overseas to explore a vast array of farming techniques such as glasshouse systems.
Join an agricultural science research project to further your critical thinking skills. We address a plethora of industry challenges such as:
- How to grow food and medicine in space
- How to grow high quality crops in a changing environment
- The use of new crop technologies such as genome editing and their place in Australian breeding programs
- The role of soil in enhancing crop growth and its potential for storing carbon
- Enhancing crops by combining innovative, high throughput, phenotyping technologies with advances in computer vision and machine learning
Higher Degree by Research (HDR)
Gain a competitive career edge through a research degree. We offer two postgraduate research degrees:
- The Master of Philosophy (MPhil) is a two-year full-time (or part-time commitment) and teaches you about applying research methodology to critically evaluate literature and results in your field.
- The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is our flagship research award for a research career or academic position. Study a research degree in an area of interest and be supported by one of our highly talented research supervisors.
Collaborate with us
Partner with us at the largest agriculture, food and wine sciences research hub in the southern hemisphere. Access world-class facilities and work with highly accomplished researchers and sought-after higher degree students.