Crop Bioinformatics Adelaide (CroBiAd)

Crop Bioinformatics Adelaide (CroBiAd) provide bioinformatics expertise to the agriculture industry through the development of novel bioinformatics and biometrics methods for wheat genetics and breeding.

Our bioinformatics activities include:

  • Research - in silico experimentation, such as development of novel methods, tools and pipelines.
  • Consultancy – recommendations in experimental design for projects such as RNA-Seq and various DNA sequencing.
  • Bioinformatics service provision - Data analysis solutions and hands-on bioinformatics workshops in a fee for service model.

Based within the University's School of Agriculture, Food and Wine, we are the South Australian node of the EMBL-Australia Bioinformatics Resource (EMBL-ABR).

image of wheat

Genomics for wheat breeding

Our goals are to develop novel bioinformatics and biometrics methods for wheat genetics and breeding.

The size and complexity of the wheat genome exposes some unique problems for bioinformatics. These require the development of novel approaches for data handling and analyses, including:

  • Wheat genomics and transcriptomics
  • Marker development
  • Software development
  • Pipeline and algorithm development

Our research is aligned to Program 5 of the Wheat Hub - the ARC Industrial Transformation Research Hub for Wheat in a Hot and Dry Climate.

Wheat Hub program

Our group has strong collaborations with both local biology-focused groups as well as national and international industry partners. This has been recognised by an Emerging Industry Research Partnership Award.

Key industry and international collaborations

  • Training

    Our group has expertise in the development and delivery of hands-on bioinformatics workshops.

    Contact Ute Baumann

  • Software - public

    CroBiAd develops a wide range of software, predominantly aimed at biology end-users in order to democratise crop genomic resources.

    Because of the nature of our funding and research, much of our code is developed internally and maintained using git repositories on a local GitLab install. As projects approach publication, these resources are published to our public GitHub account.

  • Software - internal

    Access type Resource Description
    School of Agriculture, Food & Wine only


    A BLAST server containing the IWGSC RefSeq v1.0 assembly.
    Internal network only coching  
    bwpf Bread Wheat Promoter Finder
    blast A BLAST server containing a mix of published and unpublished data sets
    POTAGE A POTAGE server containing published and unpublished data sets
    fetch Simple sequence retrieval for selected genome assemblies
    dev-DAWN Diversity Among Wheat geNomes
    GitLab Project/code/software development resources
    bareos Backup server
    Genome Ribbon Web server for visualising structural variants generated from PacBio alignments. Modified to load decompressed CSI BAM index files.
  • Scientific computing infrastructure

    Scientific computing infrastructure

    Research involving large, complex, polyploid genomes such as that of wheat often requires computers with large amounts of RAM.

    However, such infrastructure is not normally available from typical high-performance computing (HPC) providers. As such, we operate our own scientific computing infrastructure, which includes several large memory nodes.

    Current infrastructure

    • A Slurm based cluster consisting of 2 compute nodes with the following specs:
      • 72 CPUs (Intel Xeon E5-2699v3 @ 2.30GHz)
      • 755 GB RAM
      • 880 GB fast local storage (2 x SSD’s in RAID0)
      • Access to 120 TB of clustered storage
    • A stand-alone compute node with the following specs:
      • 64 CPUs (Intel Xeon E7-4830 @ 2.13GHz)
      • 512 GB RAM
      • 1.7 TB fast local storage
      • Access to 120 TB of clustered storage

    Access to resources made available through: