Find an Intern
Support the development of the future workforce by hosting an intern from the University of Adelaide.
While many students seek their own work placements, we offer the opportunity for employers to actively seek interns from our programs. It is a great opportunity for you to observe and encourage future potential employees and contribute to the development of your industry.

Internship areas
Our students may complete placements related to:
- Agribusiness
- Agricultural or animal research
- Agricultural / horticultural production (including practical farm experience)
- Veterinary work and livestock production
- Rural communication
- Food, nutrition and health
- Food processing
- Food - new product development
- Food security
- Quality assurance
- Wildlife and natural resource management
- Viticulture and oenology
Duration of internship
Our Viticulture & Oenology students are required to undertake a 10-week placement, which includes harvest/vintage, in either viticulture or oenology. We are looking for organisations interested in taking on student interns, particularly for industry experience.
Our Agricultural Science students need to complete 12 weeks of work experience during their three year degree program with a minimum of three weeks in any particular area.
Our Food and Nutrition Science students are required to undertake a 120-hour industry placement in a food, nutrition and health or research industry, as part of their industry placement course.
We want to be as flexible as possible in the delivery of this program to fit in with the needs of both employers and interns. It is possible to take internships either as:
- block periods during non-teaching periods;
- day-per-week during semester fitting in around scheduled courses; and
- weekend work.
The non-teaching periods of the university are typically:
- 15 week summer break from mid November to the end of February;
- 2 week mid-semester break in April;
- 4 week mid-year break over June/July; and
- 2 week mid-semester break September/October.
Join our employer register
Once listed on our employer register, we will work to match the right student to your organisation.
Karina Riggs
- Contact Internship Program Coordinator Dr Karina Riggs.
- Email:
- Telephone: (08) 8313 0169
- We need to know the following details:
- Company name and physical address
- Contact person and their email and phone number
- Nature of the type of work offered
- Period and/or frequency of work
- Whether the work is to be paid, unpaid or negotiated?
- Any requirements of the intern, e.g. driver's licence
- Contact Internship Program Coordinator Dr Karina Riggs.
Register your interest - Viticulture & Oenology internships
Contact for Viticulture Internship: Assoc. Prof Cassandra Collins
- Email:
- Telephone: (08) 8313 6813
Contact for Oenology Internship: Jill Bauer
- Email:
- Telephone: (08) 8313 6770
- We need to know the following details:
- Company name and physical address
- Contact person and their email and phone number
- Nature of the type of work offered
- Period and/or frequency of work
- Whether the work is to be paid, unpaid or negotiated?
- Any requirements of the intern, e.g. driver's licence
Register your interest - Food and Nutrition Science placements
Contact program coordinator: Tina Bianco-Miotto or Jo Zhou
- We need to know the following details:
- Company name and physical address
- Contact person and their email and phone number
- Nature of the type of work offered
- Period and/or frequency of work
- Any screening clearances required of the student, e.g. police clearance, working with children check etc.
- Any additional requirements, e.g. driver's licence
- We need to know the following details:
Payment and insurance
Whether the internship is paid or unpaid, will be an arrangement between the you and student. However, be aware that many students need paid employment to support their studies and will naturally be attracted to paid opportunities.
Provided the student has organised the signing of a Professional Experience form, unpaid interns are covered by the University of Adelaide's insurance policy. Paid interns will be under the insurance policy of the employer.
Food and Nutrition Science Placements are unpaid. The University provides insurance for students who participate in approved work experience or community placements as part of their course of study. A Student Placement Agreement will need to be completed and signed off by both the host Industry and the University.
Requirements for employers
Prior to the internship commencing, employers will be required to confirm the placement of the student outlining the nature of the work and whether it is paid or unpaid.
At the end of the internship, the employer will be asked to provide a brief assessment of the student's performance.
The internship is a core component of the Bachelor of Agricultural Sciences program and an elective for students in the Bachelor of Animal Sciences program. It is assessable as part of the Level 3 course AGRIC 3500WT Professional Skills in Agricultural Science III.
Food and Nutrition Science students are required to complete a number of assessment tasks during their placement. These are supervised and assessed by their University course coordinator. This placement is an assessable core component of the Level 3 Industry Placement courses: FOOD SC 3520 WT (nutrition) and FOOD SC 5520RG (food science) for the Bachelor of Food and Nutrition Science program.