Ag Science Study Tours
From the Riverland to south-east Queensland, Bachelor of Agricultural Science students gain first-hand knowledge of agricultural systems around Australia.
Third year Indonesia / Cambodia study tour
Third year Agricultural Science students have the opportunity to participate in an international study tour. Combining with Animal Science students from Roseworthy campus, this tour runs each year around September and exposes students to livestock and agricultural farms and businesses in south-east Asia.
Accompanied by academic staff, the tour usually begins with a visit to a cattle station in the Northern Territory near Darwin, then to Indonesia, then Cambodia. The students are involved in aid projects during the trip, one of which is “Cows for Cambodia”.
Third year interstate study tour
Each February, third year Agricultural Science students participate in a study tour of the northern cropping zone of SE Queensland, including areas in the Lockyer Valley, Granite Belt, Darling Downs, Glasshouse Mountains and Sunshine Coast. Students visit cropping, horticulture and livestock enterprises and see how the principles of agricultural science are applied to crop and animal improvement and production. There are visits to commercial farms, to agricultural businesses such as seed companies and to research centres.
The trip aims to expose students to agricultural systems in a different agroecological region and give them an understanding of the environmental factors that influence these systems. It also serves to provide practical examples of the application of principles of plant breeding, agronomy, integrated pest management, livestock production science and soil science in sustainable agricultural systems.
First year Riverland tour
Conducted in Semester 2 of First Year, students undertake a 4 day tour around some of the Riverland’s prominent agricultural hubs. Exploring the many forms of farming systems and management - such as sheep grazing, beef feedlots, potato plantations, and almond growing - students are exposed to key industry techniques.
This tour provides a unique, first-hand insight into animal production, horticultural, environmental and indigenous systems in diverse environments in South Australia. Students are then assessed on their understanding of each site’s agronomic properties, surrounding land quality and indigenous significance.
Some of the locations visited may include Murray Bridge, Barmera, Tatiara, Parilla, Paruna, Renmark, and Lindsay Point. Transport, catering and lodgings for the three nights are provided during the tour.