Earth Sciences Seminars - 2024

Researchers from the Department of Earth Sciences host regular seminars to facilitate a collaborative approach which applies cutting-edge methods to issues vital to sustaining our way of life on this planet.

Academics and students from collaborative institutions are also invited to share their research and knowledge when visiting our department and school.

The seminars are open to the public, industry, researchers from other departments, schools and universities, and to current and past students.

Earth Sciences Seminars web banner

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  • Location: Online via Zoom or Mawson Lecture Theatre - Mawson building | Map
  • Date/time: Fridays 3.00pm to 4.00pm, unless otherwise noted
  • To subscribe to the weekly seminars and to obtain the Zoom link, please fill in the Seminar RSVP.

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What's on

Date Speaker(s) Presentation
Fri 1 March Project talks by Mahfuzur Rahman and Ben Robertson  Week 1 PhD showcase - Earth Sciences
Fri 8 March Project talks by Dana Imbrogno and Iain Campbell  Week 2 PhD showcase - Earth Sciences
Fri 15 March Dr Julie Pearce, the University of Queensland Navigating gas water rock reactions and groundwater impacts: A CO2 geological storage demonstration site in the Great Artesian Basin
Fri 22 March Henry Sukhinin, UniSA & Innoveco  The potential for mine waste valorisation and solving environmental issues on mine sites
Break for public holiday  N/A N/A
Fri 5 April Project talks by Ben Kay and Georgina Virgo  HDR completions - Earth Sciences
Fri 3 May Dr Andrew Merdith, the University of Adelaide Solid Earth Drivers of Phanerozoic icehouse-greenhouse transitions
Fri 10 May Dr Tamara Fletcher, the University of Adelaide Arctic cloud and smoke: Investigating Pliocene data-model discord
Fri 17 May Louisa Stokes, Curtin University Maps to riches: regional-scale sulphur isotope maps of orthomagmatic mineralisation
Fri 24 May Dr Timothy Chapman, University of New England Physical and geochemical consequences of episodic fluid production during subduction
Fri 31 May Dr Bryant Ware, Curtin University The Ferrar Continental Flood Basalt: a potential role in the Pliensbachian-Toarcian extinction event?
Fri 26 July Dr Will Defleise, The University of Queensland Mid-Miocene Ocean Temperatures from Coccolith Clumped Isotopes
Fri 2 August Project talks: Sam Bizhani Next Gen Explorers Award students
Fri 9 August Dr. Matthew Dodd, The University of Western Australia Evolution of the marine phosphorus cycle
Fri 16 August Dr. Laura Morrissey, The University of South Australia Evaporite-bearing orogenic belts produce ligand-rich and diverse metamorphic fluids
Fri 23 August Dr. Susanne Schmid, CSIRO The Stuart Shelf sediment-hosted copper mineral systems
Fri 30 August Dr. Thomas Chambers, The University of Adelaide Dating Groundwater by Trapping Atoms
Fri 13 September Dr. Simon Williams, The University of Tasmania Unravelling the Magnetization of Earth’s Lithosphere from Modelling of Satellite Observations
Fri 20 September Project talks: Sumitha Gunatilake Cu isotope characterisation of an Iron Oxide Copper Gold (IOCG) deposit: a spatially constrained pilot project at Olympic Dam
Fri 4 October Dr. Yousef Zoleikhaei Every grain has a tale to be told!
Fri 11 October Dr. Xiaofang He The Neoproterozoic–Early Palaeozoic thermal evolution of Sri Lankan crust and its Eastern Gondwana linkage
Fri 18 October Dr. Jack Mulder In the footsteps of Mawson’s forgotten men: A geological traverse of the Queen Mary Land coast, Antarctica
Fri 25 October Dr Jon Tyler TBA
Tue 26 November Dr Alberto Vitale Brovalone, University of Bologna Extreme Energy, from the deep, at convergent margins
Tagged in Earth Science, physics chemistry and earth sciences, For current students, For industry, For researchers, For staff, For everyone, Research seminar, Research student seminar, North Terrace campus, Online event