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The secret lives of fish

Biologists need a careful understanding of population characteristics and dynamics to sustainably manage wild fish.
Medical cannabis ambitions boosted for agriculture entrepreneurs

The medical innovations of two agricultural science students has resulted in eChallenge success
[Read more about Medical cannabis ambitions boosted for agriculture entrepreneurs]
Deep Water, Deep Jungle study tour video highlights

Watch the video of the 'Deep Water, Deep Jungle' study tour that took students from the School of Biological Sciences to Singapore and Cambodia.
[Read more about Deep Water, Deep Jungle study tour video highlights]
Faculty of Sciences leadership appointments for 2019

Our leadership team for 2019 has some new faces, with the new associate dean roles announced by Executive Dean Keith Jones this week.
[Read more about Faculty of Sciences leadership appointments for 2019]
Berry shrivel no friend of Cabernet Sauvignon wine quality

Project finds berry shrivel in Cabernet is influenced by climate and can negatively affect wine flavour and characteristics
[Read more about Berry shrivel no friend of Cabernet Sauvignon wine quality]
Rethinking Australia's climate history

Researchers discover evidence of climate change that coincided with the first wave of European settlement of Australia.
Join the student club ADEPT
ADEPT is a student-led club at the university whose focus is to provide students with opportunities to participate in practical projects throughout their degrees.
Climate change wiped out the 'Siberian unicorn'

Scientists discover fate of the giant, shaggy Ice Age rhinoceros known as the Siberian unicorn
[Read more about Climate change wiped out the 'Siberian unicorn']
Cool for cats: that spiny tongue does more than keep a cat well groomed

New research shows their rough tongue plays a role in helping a cat keep cool.
[Read more about Cool for cats: that spiny tongue does more than keep a cat well groomed]